Chapter 22: Worsening Opinion

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The next two days go by without incident at Morgan Academy. Despite this the entire student body is very tense during the two days. During those days, the guards around the campus have been far more on alert than usual. There are so many of them watching the students that Lycus could not implement the final phase of his plan even if he wanted to.

All of this changes on the third day since Lycus began his plan. On this day, as Lycus is attending his first class of the day, Mrs. Brush comes into the classroom. She then declares, "Students I have an important announcement to make. It would seem that the man who is responsible for the attack on Mr. Arth, as well as his maid, has been caught."

"So they got him," one of the students says. He then continues by saying, "That is great news."

"It is no surprise," Isaac says. He then declares, "Naturally, no one could escape the watchful eye of the Kingdom of Fire's guards for long. He just got lucky before this is all."

Lycus replies, "That is good news, assuming they caught the right person."

"What makes you say that?" Elise Fort asks.

"It is just that I never saw the face of the individual that did it. I doubt the guards know for sure that they caught the right person is all," Lycus comments. He then says, "Although, I bet they did get the right guy. I mean if they caught him trying to sneak onto the campus, then it has to be the culprit."

"Actually the man was apprehended, on the streets in Pyron. It would seem that he has been trying to blend in there ever since committing the two attacks," Mrs. Brush states.

"How do they know it was the right man then?" a female student asks.

"Because this particular man has a grudge against the Arth family. Since it was only Lycus and his maid who got attacked, it makes sense that the culprit only had something against his family and no one else," Mrs. Brush states.

Hearing this Lycus thinks, "I guess that is a reasonable belief. I may need to add an extra phase into the plan to deal with this before the grand finale."

Soon after this, the class begins as normal. The air in the classroom is much less tense than it was the last few days. Lycus attributes this to the fact that the students believe that they are safe once more. While this is true, Lycus plans to make sure that they don't feel that way for long.

After classes are over for the night, Lycus proceeds to go to do some training outside as he normally does. Instead of doing it by the student building, he instead decides that he will do this training by the servant building. His reason for doing this is he does not want the other students to see him doing combat training.

As Lycus starts to train, his back starts to hurt quite a bit. He ignores this pain though, and keeps doing his training. Lycus is only busy doing training for a few moments, when a butler walks over to him from inside the servant building. The butler says, "I take it you must be Mr. Arth."

"That is right," Lycus states. He then asks, "How did you figure out who I was?"

The butler then says, "That is easy. You are the only student that does any kind of physical training at night. Maybe if you hadn't been doing that, then you would not have been attacked."

"I guess that is possible," Lycus replies. He then says, "However, it is too late to know what could have happened."

"You should be grateful to the Kingdom for catching that killer. It just goes to show how talented the Kingdom of Fire's soldiers really are. I mean the fact they identified the culprit without having seen him before is truly incredible," the butler states.

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