Chapter 8: Slaves to Servants

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The group consisting of Lycus, Josh, the large man, and four city guards reaches the Luke's Group building shortly after the attempted kidnapping of Lycus. Once the entire group goes inside. One of the men that is managing the front desk sees them and quickly rushes over to the group.

Once he gets there the man asks, "What is the meaning of all this Mr. Doop?"

The large man replies, "I need to talk to my father right away."

"I am sorry, but the owner is currently busy in a meeting. It will be several hours before he can speak with you," the clerk states.

Mr. Doop declares, "The meeting will have to be canceled. I screwed up real bad and the company may just be shut down for it. I was given fifteen minutes to try and convince my dad of the only way to save the company."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," the clerk says. He then states, "However, your father is currently busy."

At this point Lycus states, "That is fine. We will leave in fourteen more minutes. However, I wonder how the owner will feel when he learns you thought a meeting was more important than the company."

"What are you talking about?" the man asks

A guard states, "This man is about to be taken in for committing treason in trying to abduct Count Arth's son. As he is the son of the owner of Luke's Group and has stated that his father put him up to abducting people, his father will also face charges. Possibly of treason, or possible of just incompetence as a business owner. Either way there is a good chance that Luke's Group will suffer severely. At the very least the Queen will likely do a personal investigation since a noble was almost abducted."

"However, the generous son of the Count has decided to give Mr. Doop a chance. If the owner of Luke's Group agrees to turn over two slaves to him then he will lower the charges against Mr. Doop to merely attempted abduction. Also no legal case will be put against the owner," another guard says.

At this point Lycus comments, "The offer is good for twelve more minutes. I suggest you decide soon."

Now having an idea of what is going on the clerk states, "I will take you all to Owner Doop right away."

"That will not be necessary. Just show Mr. Doop and two of the city guards to him. I will wait here with everyone else," Lycus says.

"Without you though the owner may not agree to the terms," the clerk states.

Lycus replies, "That is his choice. His son will likely die if he doesn't though."

At this point the clerk leads Mr. Doop, and two of the Martho city guards out of the room. They are gone for about five minutes. Then they return with a man wearing an extremely expensive purple robe.

When this man arrives he says, "I take it you are the son of Count Arth."

Lycus replies "Yes, that is correct."

"You do realize that without many witnesses the treason charge against my son will not stand," Fred Doop states.

"It might not. However, I am sure that the public will be very interested in hearing about it nonetheless. It may even prompt the Queen to come and look into your company," Lycus replies.

Fred Doop comments, "I would never have guessed a ten year old could come up with such a plan." He then says, "I trust you also know that my son was lying when he said that I put him up to doing the kidnappings."

"Perhaps. However, I would say that such an allegation, even if false, deserves to be looked into further. My plan is if you do not accept my offer in the next six minutes, I will have your son officially charged with treason. Then I will order a full scale investigation of Luke's Group. It is possible nothing will come up. However, I will ensure it takes at least a month of your business being completely closed before the investigation can end," Lycus declares.

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