Chapter 7: The Slaver

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Following the passing of Marcus, Lycus asks, "So what are we going to do now?" He then says, "We should probably head back to the mansion as soon as we can."

"I agree. I also need to fulfill my promise to Marcus. However, given that I am your only guard left now, I cannot very well leave you to go and take him to his hometown," Josh says.

Lycus says, "I could go with you."

"That is a definite no. Marcus is from the Kingdom of Rock. Having a child of a Count go there is not a good idea," Josh states.

"Well I guess that we are going to have to find a way back to the mansion first then," Lycus comments.

Josh says, "You are right. First though I am going to go and see the Undertaker here in Martho. I will have him store Marcus's body until I can come back to make good on my promise."

"That is a good idea," Lycus states.

With this decided, Lycus and Josh start to head towards the Undertaker's home. They do not make it very far before the Undertaker comes to them. He had heard about the death of Greg and was on his way to collect Greg's body."

When the Undertaker reaches them, he says, "You were associated with the man that died if I am not mistaken."

"How did you know that?" Lycus asks.

Josh whispers, "Mr. Albert here, is a close friend of your father's. I am sure that he knew we were coming before we got here."

"Oh, that makes sense," Lycus replies.

Josh then states, "Mr. Albert, can I ask you for a favor?"

"I suppose so. What can I do for you?" Mr. Albert replies.

"In addition to the death of Greg, Captain Marcus also was poisoned. He has since died. Would you be willing to store his body until I can come back here to take him back to his hometown of Stolth?"

Mr. Albert replies, "Sure I can do that. You know that it is quite the trip to go all the way to Stolth though."

"Yes, I am aware. However, I think that the Count will allow it given how close he was to Marcus. I imagine that he would go himself if that was an option," Josh states.

"I am sure that he would. That sounds just like Jacob," Mr. Albert says. He then adds, "I will take care of Marcus. For now, you should be focused on getting back to the mansion though. That needs to be your top priority right now."

"Yes, I am aware. We are going to head there right away," Josh states.

Mr. Albert says, "You will need some horses to get there. I suggest going to the Martho stables to get them. While the horses there are all owned by people in town, they are some of the finest steeds you will find. Also I am sure that a few of the owners would be willing to lend horses to you given the circumstances."

"We will head that way then," Josh says. He then waves goodbye to Mr. Albert as he and Lycus make their way away from the area.

At this point the two of them start to make their way toward the stables. In order to do so, Josh takes them down an ally that is near where Luke's Group is located. The reason for this is that this is the fastest way to get to the stables and Josh wants to get there as quickly as possible.

The two of them are just barely entering the alley when Lycus senses the presence of a large man. He ignores it at first. However, Lycus realizes that the man is following them as they are going down the alley. This is a little concerning to Lycus since he does not see why someone would be following them.

As they get further down the alley, the large man starts to catch up to them. Realizing that something bad may be about to happen, Lycus whispers to Josh, "Someone is following us. I am not sure why though."

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