Chapter 14: The Tour

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 The carriage has to travel for three days with Lycus, Sarah, and Patrick in it before it finally comes to a stop in the city of Pyron. During the trip, the three people talked and slept. When they got hungry, the three occupants ate some of the food that was loaded into the carriage before they left. Both nights that passed during the journey, resulted in the driver bringing the carriage to a stop. Then the group had dinner and slept inside of the carriage for the night.

When the carriage finally does come to a stop, the driver quickly goes to open the door for Lycus. With the door open, Lycus steps out of the carriage. He is followed by Sarah and lastly Patrick. Once they are all out of the carriage, the driver closes the door to the carriage. He then plans to wait by the carriage as the group is receiving a tour of the campus.

Immediately after he got out of the carriage, Lycus began to look around the city of Pryon. He finds that he cannot see much of the city at the moment since a single area dominates the majority of what he can see. This area is a group of ten different buildings, each standing taller than the Arth Family mansion. The buildings also have the Kingdom of Fire crest on them.

As Lycus is looking at these massive buildings, he notices that there is a forest right behind the campus. He also notices that there is no gate around the campus, which he finds to be a little odd, since having a gate around the school would make it easier for guards to defend it.

Lycus has his thoughts interrupted when a man wearing a black uniform walks up to the group and says, "I take it that you are Lord Lycus Arth. I have been asked to give you a tour of the campus."

"Alright. Lead the way then," Lycus says.

With this the man begins to walk towards the center of the group of buildings that Lycus was just looking at. As the man is walking in that direction he says, "As you already know this is the prestigious Morgan Academy. Our Academy receives funding from the royal family, which means that we have the very best security as well as education that you can find anywhere in the Kingdom of Fire.

"At our institution, we have had a number of Blessed Ones graduate in our two hundred year history. We have also seen four of the five current ruling dukes of the Kingdom of Fire, as well as many of the children of the dukes and counts that live in the Kingdom of Fire. We have even educated dukes and some Blessed Ones from other kingdoms as well. All that come here, receive the very best education that you can get anywhere in Glisco."

Lycus comments, "It sounds like a lot of important people have graduated from here."

"Yes, indeed. This school has been around for two hundred years, and all of those years have seen many important people gracing our campus with their presence. This coming year we will have children from two of the ruling dukes as well as the prince of Fire himself attending," the man says. He then adds, "Naturally, if you attend then we will also have a child of a count in our incoming class."

Once he has said this the man then says, "Now then, I am going to tell you about the various facilities on the campus to begin with. As I am doing this I will be showing you inside each of them. Our hope is that by doing this we will calm any nerves you have about leaving your home."

At this point, the man leads Lycus into a building that he claims is the student dorms for the male noble students. Inside of this building, there are a large number of private rooms on the second through ninth floors. The first floor houses a large lobby as well as a dining hall and a study area.

Once the man has finished showing Lycus the lobby, he then shows Lycus the inside of one of the dorm rooms. The man explains that all of the rooms are set up in the same way. They have a single large bed that takes up about half of the room. There is also a desk for the students to study at, which have lanterns on them to provide light when the sun is not up. The room also houses a large dresser for the students to be able to put clothing in. Each room also has a single large window in it, to provide light to the room as well as give the students the chance to look outside.

The Chronicles of Glisco (Original Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora