Chapter 6: Betrayal

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Upon leaving Luke's Group, Josh and Lycus make their way back towards Dawn's Place. As they are going Josh asks, "So what did you think of that building?"

"It seemed pretty awful to me. I would guess that they do not treat the slaves very well either," Lycus says.

Josh replies, "From what I have seen, they actually were treating them better than normal. My guess is that they have to keep up a fairly good appearance with the common folk in order to not get reported to the Queen. As such they seem to have been trying to keep the smell down. Also all of the slaves appeared to be in good health all things considered."

"I guess that is true. It still seems wrong though," Lycus says.

"You are not the only one that feels that way. However, this is just how things are in Martho. The Count could come here personally and shut down the slave trade. The Queen could as well. However, both of them know that it would just pick back up again before too long. Also they both have more urgent things to worry about," Josh states.

"Like what?" Lycus asks.

Josh replies, "Political affairs. While there are currently no wars going on, it does take a lot of work to keep the four kingdoms at peace." Josh then continues by saying, "Your father has spent the better part of the last ten years trying to strengthen our ties with the Water Kingdom, so that if a war does break out, the Countdom will not become a battlefield."

Lycus comments, "I had no idea he had been doing that."

"Not many do. The Queen has only some knowledge of what is going on as well. She probably would not approve of all of the decisions that your father has made to keep the Countdom safe," Josh states.

"Really?" Lycus asks.

Josh replies, "Your father puts the people of the Countdom before everyone else in his list of people to protect. As such, he would even betray the Kingdom of Fire if need be to keep the Countdom and its people safe."

"Does the Queen know about that?" Lycus asks.

"She suspects it at the very least. However, the Queen likely would not fault your father if he did betray the Kingdom. She is a peacemaker in every sense of the word. So she would not get upset about someone betraying the kingdom to protect their own people," Josh states.

Lycus says, "I don't totally understand how the Queen could be that understanding. However, I also don't think others would be that understanding of my father's ideals."

"You are right. Your father definitely is not popular among some groups of people," Josh says.

At this point Josh is about to say something else when he looks forward and sees a large crowd gathered in front of Dawn's Place. This in itself is not all that concerning to him. What Josh finds to be more concerning is the fact that the carriage they came in is missing.

Realizing the carriage is gone, Josh says, "Please stay close to me. Something is not right."

"What is wrong?" Lycus asks.

Josh replies, "We had permission to be parked where we were at, so there is no reason for someone to have asked Greg to move the carriage under normal circumstances. Greg is also very loyal to your father and would never have left the city without you."

"Yet the carriage is missing," Lycus says.

"That is right. That can only mean that it was taken. To take it though the culprit would have to have attacked Greg, or taken it while he was away to relieve himself. In either case, we should be on guard," Josh states.

With this said the two of them reach the encirclement of people. It takes only a matter of moments for both Josh and Lycus to see that something truly terrible has happened here. On the ground in the center of the circle is the dead body of Greg. Adding to this fact is that Marcus is also in the center of the circle. He is on his knees at the moment. He looks very sickly.

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