Chapter 10: New Help

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Both Kanade and Sarah are taken by Lycus's mother to go and get cleaned up. To do this they are taken to a room that is used for bathing on the premises. Maggie then tells the two girls to get cleaned up. While they are inside bathing, Maggie goes and talks to the maids about the two new members of the staff.

To do this, Maggie heads to the building on the estate where the maids who do not have homes live. As most of the maids live in the nearby town of Flanato, the maid quarters actually only house three maids at the moment. However, there is room in the maid quarters for far more maids to stay. These quarters also serve as the place where the maids go when they are not busy working.

When Maggie goes to talk to the maids she says, "Alright, Lycus has brought back two girls that will be working here as maids. Both of them are quite young, probably around Lycus's age if that. Also one of them is a beastkin."

"A beastkin is going to be working here?" one of the maids asks.

"Yes that is right. I know that it is rather strange for us to have one of them working here. If she is not able to do the work then she will be fired. However, as my son decided to rescue her from slavery, I don't think we should turn her away," Maggie states.

A maid says, "We all know that Lord Lycus is a kind hearted person, so this should not be that much of a surprise. I doubt he even realizes why beastkin are discriminated against all over Glisco."

"I am sure that he doesn't," another maid states. She then comments, "We have censored what books he has been able to read so he does not know much about what happened during the Dark Ages."

Maggie says, "I would prefer it to remain that way for as long as possible. If it were up to me he would never learn about that horrible period of time. However, I am not naïve enough to believe he won't learn about it at some point." She then says, "Just put up with working with a beastkin for now. Treat her just like you would any other help."

"We will do that for you My Lady," the head maid states. She then says, "So long as we don't have any problems with her, we will not treat her differently."

"I will hold you to that," Maggie says. She then explains, "Now then I need to get uniforms for the two girls to wear. Both of them were slaves, so the clothes they had when they got here would not be appropriate to wear on the grounds."

A maid states, "You said that they are both Lycus's age. I don't think we have any uniforms that would fit a nine or ten year old."

"That is fair. I suppose that I can have them wear some of Meghan's old clothes. After all, she did leave a fair number of old clothes in her room when she left six years ago," Maggie says.

Having come to this realization, Maggie leaves the maids' quarters. She then heads to Meghan's old room. Meghan has not been home for a number of years, and her room has been left untouched since she left. As such Maggie believes that there will be some clothes that will fit Kanade and Sarah in the room.

It does not take Maggie very long to find some clothes that she thinks will fit the two girls. With these clothes now gathered, Maggie heads back to the bathhouse, where the two girls were told to get cleaned up.

When Maggie reaches the bathhouse, she finds that both Kanade and Sarah have finished getting cleaned up. Maggie hands them the clothes and says, "We don't have any maid's uniforms that will fit the two of you right now. They will be made in the coming days. For now, you can just wear the old clothes of my daughter."

"Thank you so much," Sarah says as she looks at the expensive clothing that Maggie has brought the two girls to wear. Sarah has never seen such nice clothing in her life. The fact that she is going to be able to wear it excites her.

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