Chapter 15: Tragedy

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The following morning, Lycus gets up after having had a very restful night's sleep. The bed in the dorm room was just as comfortable as his bed back in Arth mansion. This was a surprise to Lycus at first, but he is glad to know that the beds are the same at the school as they are at his home.

Once he is awake, Lycus leaves the room. He finds that there is no one around. This is a little odd to Lycus, but he just makes his way to the dining hall, as he suspects that he will find someone there.

When he gets to the dining hall, Lycus finds that both Patrick and Sarah are asleep on the floor there. This seems odd to Lycus so he goes and wakes them up. When they are awake, Patrick says, "My Lord, I hope that you slept well."

"Did you sleep here all night?" Lycus asks.

Sarah replies, "They told us that since we are merely servants they could not provide us with a bed. We also could not stay in the servants' building since you are not currently a student here."

"That sounds rather odd," Lycus comments.

"I agree. Let us not worry about that though," Patrick says. He then states, "After you have had breakfast, we will be making our way back to the Arth Domain."

"That sounds good to me," Lycus states.

Soon after this food is brought out for Lycus to eat. He eats the food, which consists of bacon and eggs. Once he is done eating, he thinks that Patrick and Sarah are going to be given food. They are not given anything, which annoys Lycus slightly. However, there is no one around to complain to.

At this point Lycus, Sarah, and Patrick make their way out of the dorm building. They find that there is no one around. This includes the man from the day before. This seems rather odd to Lycus, but he figures that the man must have had something better to do than see Lycus off.

Lycus and the others make their way to the carriage that is parked outside of the campus. When they get there, the driver quickly stands up and opens the door for Lycus. Lycus gets into the carriage. Sarah and Patrick follow after him. Once they are all in the door is closed. Soon after this the carriage begins moving again.

Once the carriage has been going for a little while, Sarah asks, "So what did you think of the academy Master?"

"It was nice and all. However, I don't really have any intention of attending school. My plan is to become an adventurer," Lycus replies.

Patrick says, "So seeing such a fancy school did not change your mind on that matter. Personally I think that it is up to you. However, I know that your mother is going to be disappointed to hear that."

"I am sure that she will. I only came on this tour to make a good impression for the Arth family though. I never really was considering coming here. How could I come here given that Kanade would not be allowed to come as well?" Lycus says.

Sarah states, "That is a good point. I didn't even think about that. Whatever you do, you will need to be able to take both Kanade and me with you."

"My guess is that she would understand if you wanted to attend the school. However, the choice is yours of course my Lord. I just don't think you should make your choice based solely on her," Patrick says.

"I am not. I made my choice to become an adventurer because that is what I want to do. While I will admit that I want Kanade and Sarah to both come with me, that is not why I chose to become an adventurer," Lycus states.

Sarah says, "Well for what it is worth, I think you are making the right choice in not going there. While the school tour guide was acting nice yesterday, he did not do anything to see you off today. Honestly, it was a little rude."

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