Chapter 2: Early Childhood

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Lycus continues to grow slowly and steadily over the course of the next several years. He manages to learn the language of the world fairly quickly once he starts focusing on it. Namely by the time he is two he is able to hold conversations with the maids in the household without any difficulty.

Now that he is able to talk with people, Lycus explains to the maids that he would like to learn how to read. This seems to catch some of the maids off guard as they were not expecting him to make such a request. However, they all agree to help him to learn how to read since that is what he wants to do.

Lycus spends the next year of his life learning how to read. During this time, he also takes some time to make sure to strengthen his body as well. He feels that he is too young to do very strenuous exercise, so he only does simple exercises. Lycus spends time walking around the mansion and trying to strengthen his arms as well, as best he can.

By the time that he is three years old, Lycus has reached a literate understanding of the language of Glisco. He can now read and speak the language with relative ease. Lycus can sort of write. He views this as a less important skill at the moment though, and does not take much time working on learning how to write.

As a result of being able to read the language of Glisco now, Lycus manages to learn more about the political structure of the world. When he was being reincarnated Kevin explained some of it to him, but Lycus is now able to learn a great deal more about the structure.

From reading the books that he can find and is given by the maids, which are mostly young children story books, Lycus learns that the world is split into four kingdoms. There is the Wind Kingdom in the north, whose guardian deity is Roc, the Water Kingdom in the east whose guardian deity is Siren, the Fire Kingdom in the south whose guardian deity is Phoenix and the Earth Kingdom in the west whose guardian deity is Golem.

Based on what Lycus reads, the four kingdoms have fought with each other on and off for most of the history of Glisco. At the current time there is a peace treaty in place. This treaty has been in place for the past thirty years. However, tensions are supposedly growing at the moment.

From talking with the maids, Lycus learns that the current ruler of the Kingdom of Fire is named Charlotte Smith. She has been the ruler for the past forty years, and is currently fifty-two years old. From what Lycus is able to learn about her, he determines that she is a reasonably capable leader.

As he is reading, Lycus finds that the Kingdom of Fire has five main territories in it. The Arth Countdom is one of these territories. It makes up the far eastern portion of the Kingdom. The countdom borders the Water Kingdom. As such, in times of war it is common for the Arth territory to become a battlefield. As a result of this, many of the people that live within the countdom have received military training. Lycus's father is no exception to this.

Based on learning this information, Lycus is guessing that he should learn how to fight. As the technology of the world is fairly limited compared to Earth, Lycus figures that he will have to learn how to use a sword, or something like that. Given that in his past life he excelled at martial arts, Lycus plans on using that knowledge in order for him to learn how to fight in this world.

Having determined that he should learn how to fight, Lycus decides to start trying some of the martial arts techniques that he knew back on Earth. As he is doing this, a few of the maids ask him what he is doing. Lycus explains to them that he is trying to learn how to fight. Given the maids' reaction to this, Lycus is guessing that they do not approve of him learning to fight.

The maids report to Maggie about how her son is trying to teach himself how to fight. This concerns her, so she goes to have a talk with her son. When she finds him doing some stretches, she asks, "Honey, can you come here for a moment?"

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