Chapter 19: Opening Ceremony

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The following morning, when Lycus gets up, he finds that during the night someone came into his room and left a uniform on the chair next to his bed. Seeing this, Lycus is guessing that it is his school uniform. As today is his first official day at Morgan Academy as a student, he knows that he needs to wear it to the opening ceremony that is going to be held soon.

Lycus puts on the uniform, which consists of a white shirt, with red pants, and a red blazer. To add to this there are gold colored strips to add color to the outfit. Lycus is guessing that all of the students at Morgan Academy wear the same type of uniform. While Lycus does not really mind what the uniform looks like, he does find it rather uncomfortable.

Upon getting dressed, Lycus leaves his room and goes to the dining hall. Once he gets there, Lycus proceeds to have some breakfast. Unlike the day before, Lycus finds that there are a lot of students at the dining hall today. He accounts this to the fact that the opening ceremony for the first years is being held in about an hour.

As Lycus is busy eating he sees that a group has formed around one of the other tables. All of the chairs at this table are already filled. Yet, despite this, there are a number of people, primarily young women, that are gathered around this table. They are eating while holding their plates.

This sight is rather strange to Lycus. As such he motions for one of the maids to come over to him. He then asks, "What is going on over there?"

"You don't know?" the maid asks. She then replies, "His Highness Prince Isaac Dathspar is attending the academy this year. Naturally, all the young women would be interested in such a young man."

Lycus says, "I think I get it now." He then thinks to himself, "That may be perfect. If all goes well, I may just be able to get even more revenge on the Queen than I thought. However, I need to be careful and not get careless."

At this point, Lycus returns to eating his meal in peace. He then leaves the dining hall shortly after this. Lycus makes his way out of the dorm building at this point as well. His plan is to go and see how Sarah is doing. Because of this, he makes his way towards the servants' building.

When Lycus reaches the servants' building, he walks inside and sees that there is a large reception area. Lycus only makes it a few steps inside when a woman approaches him and says, "Young Master, is there something that I can assist you with?"

Lycus replies, "I am looking for my maid Sarah. I wanted to talk to her."

The woman replies, "I am terribly sorry. However, Sarah is still being trained on the proper way to act towards someone of high birth. She is too busy to meet with you right now. However, I will be sure to tell her that you came by."

Before Lycus gets the chance to say anything else a butler walks up to Lycus and says, "Young Master, I believe that the opening ceremony is going to be starting soon. You had best make your way to the Great Hall, so you won't be late."

"I guess I will do that then," Lycus replies, somewhat surprised that the servants would not let him see Sarah.

At this point, Lycus makes his way to the Great Hall. Once he has made it to the Great Hall, Lycus goes and sits down in a chair to wait for the ceremony to begin. As he is sitting there a few other people come in as well. Lycus largely is ignored by them, which he does not really mind.

During the time that Lycus is waiting for the meeting to start, a girl with red hair comes and sits down next to him. She does not say anything to him, which Lycus is not bothered by. What does bother him, is that she is glaring right at a large group of girls that are sitting ahead of them.

Without really intending on saying it outloud Lycus states, "Why are you glaring like that?"

"Because I am jealous of course. That should go without saying," the girl replies without looking at Lycus.

The Chronicles of Glisco (Original Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora