Chapter 17: Return to the Academy

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For the next three weeks, Lycus spends a great deal of time training. He wants to get as strong as possible before he leaves for Morgan Academy. His mother finds this rather odd, since Lycus is going to be going to school for the next four years. Lycus however knows that he is going to need all the combat skills he can get for what he is really planning on doing.

During this time, Patrick is the one that trains Lycus. As Patrick does have his duties as a guard for the Arth family, so he is not able to train Lycus all day. For this reason, Lycus spends time doing his other types of training to focus on his skills. Lycus hopes that by doing this he will be able to level up his skills further before he leaves for the academy in a few days time.

One change from the previous four years that Lycus considers to be good is that Sarah is with him the entire time that Lycus is training. Since she is now officially Lycus's servant, she no longer has to fulfill any obligations to the rest of the Arth family. That means she does not have to worry about cleaning and other things for anyone except for Lycus.

As Lycus thinks it would be wise for Sarah to know how to fight as well, Lycus has her spend time training with a spear as well. Due to her having significantly less training than Lycus, she has difficulty doing this training. However, since Lycus asked her to do it, she does her best to master the spear.

When Maggie hears that her son is having his maid learn how to fight as well, she goes to ask Lycus what he is thinking. Lycus replies by telling his mother that it would be a good idea for Sarah to know how to defend herself as well. While Maggie does not like this claim, she also does not do anything to stop Sarah from learning to fight.

As all of this is going on, Josh and three other guards leave the estate to go to Martho. The purpose of their trip is to try and find a replacement for Sarah in the ranks of the maids on the Arth estate. It only takes them five days to return with a new maid that will be working at the estate. She is in her twenties with black hair and a voluptuous figure.

By the end of the three weeks between Lycus's birthday and his departure from the Arth mansion, Lycus is able to develop his skills a little more. Since he is not sure if he is going to have the chance to train much for the next little while, Lycus is glad that he was able to develop his skills somewhat more before leaving the estate.

On the day of Lycus's departure from the mansion, both Maggie and Jacob come out to see him. The maids and butlers also come out to see Lycus off. As it is customary for everyone on the property to see off one of the children, Lycus does not find this strange at all.

Before Lycus gets into the carriage that will take him to Pyron, his mother says, "Be careful at school. And work hard. I know that if you put your mind to it you will be the best student Morgan Academy has ever seen."

"I appreciate your confidence in me, mom. I don't know if I will be able to meet such high expectations though," Lycus replies.

Maggie says, "You will. You are always able to exceed any expectations that I have for you. I am sure that you will do outstanding at the academy."

At this point Jacob states, "I have to admit that I did not think you were really going to attend Morgan Academy when I sent you to look at the campus. I thought for sure you would still plan on becoming an adventurer. I had even already written a letter to the Queen apologizing for you turning down her offer to the school. I have to admit that I am glad I never had to send it though."

"To be honest, attending Morgan Academy was kind of a last minute decision. I did intend on becoming an adventurer. However, when I saw the school I felt that I needed to go there for some reason," Lycus says. He then adds, "I still may end up becoming an adventurer after I graduate."

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