Chapter 13: Forced Trip

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As Lycus's fourteenth birthday draws near, he is asked to meet with his father in his father's study in the middle of the day. As it is uncommon for his father to want to meet with him, much less during the day, Lycus heads there right away, interrupting the training that he was in the middle of doing.

Upon reaching his father's study, Lycus knocks on the door. He hears his father call through the door, "It is open."

Lycus walks into the room, and sees that his father is sitting at his desk. There is a mountain of papers on the desk, which makes Lycus suspect that his father is very busy doing something. This makes Lycus even more curious as to what his father wanted to meet him about.

Seeing that Lycus has entered the room, Jacob says, "I am glad that you came quickly. The matter that I need to discuss with you is a rather urgent one."

"What is it father?" Lycus asks.

"As you know when you turn fourteen, you will officially be declared a man. At that point you will be going out on your own. While you have expressed interest in both going to school as well as becoming an adventurer, I wanted to discuss this matter with you in further depth," Jacob states.

Lycus says, "Alright. I am not sure why that could not wait until dinner though."

"It is because you may need to leave the mansion very soon based on what we discuss here. I will explain it to you more though when we get to that point," Jacob says. He then states, "So first off tell me if you have thought more on what you will do when you turn fourteen."

"I believe that I will become an adventurer. While I would like to go to school and learn more, I think that I would be happier if I followed the life of an adventurer," Lycus states.

Jacob replies, "I figured that is what you were going to say. Although, I have to tell you that your mother is not happy about you wanting to follow in my footsteps. She has repeatedly told me that she wants you to go to school. Given how smart you are, she is confident that you will excel in school and be able to get a very nice job. For what it is worth, I feel that you would excel at both school and being an adventurer."

"I don't doubt that she is right. I am just not sure that I want to go to school," Lycus says. In his mind he is recalling the horrible time he had when he got his PhD back on Earth. These memories are largely why he decided against going to school.

"Well, I can understand that. It is not my place to tell you what to do, given that you need to start making your own choices since you are going to officially be a man soon. However, I think it would put your mother's mind at ease if you at least visit a school and receive a tour of it. Even if you don't decide to go there, I think your mother would be happier if you showed some interest in going," Jacob says.

"That makes some sense. However, won't she find out my plan to become an adventurer eventually? I don't see why delaying her finding out will help with anything," Lycus states.

"I see your point. Perhaps I should explain what I am trying to get at more clearly. Using your mother as an excuse is really not a good idea, I suppose," Jacob says. He then explains, "You see, we got a letter from the Headmaster of Morgan Academy in Pyron. This the most prestigious school in the entire Kingdom of Fire. It is such a prestigious school that only those that are offered a place there are allowed to attend. You were offered a position at the school."

"I was offered a place at Morgan Academy?" Lycus asks in confusion.

Jacob explains, "Yes, you were. It is not really that uncommon for a Count's children to be offered a place at Morgan Academy. However, there is a bit of a problem with you not wanting to go. That is that the Academy is run by the Queen herself. She is not the Headmaster, but she does oversee virtually everything at the school. She even visits the school several times a year.

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