Chapter 3: Personal Servant

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On Lycus's brother James's fourteenth birthday a large celebration is held. A similar celebration was held when Meghan turned fourteen. However, at that point, Lycus was only four years old so he does not remember the party all that well. This time he is almost ten years old.

At this party, many of Lycus's relatives are invited. Other important people that are close with Jacob are also invited. This includes a number of barons as well as a large number of other political figures. Lycus's older brother Kyle is also invited to the party, this is the first time that Lycus has seen his older brother in almost six years.

When Kyle arrives at the party, he is with a young woman that is carrying a small child. Kyle immediately walks up to Lycus. He then says to him, "I am sorry for how I acted towards you when you were younger. I was being immature, but I get how wrong I was acting now that I have a son of my own."

"It is alright. I don't really remember it," Lycus states as he genuinely does not remember what Kyle did to him when he was younger.

Kyle comments, "Even still, I should not have been so mean to you. It was not your fault that you were developing so quickly. It also was not your fault that mom wanted to spend so much time with you."

At this point, Kyle walks off. This leaves Lycus by himself in the corner of the room. Several of the other guests also come by to say hello to Lycus. They do not stay all that long though, mostly because the real reason they came to the party was for the lavish food and drinks.

After a long night of watching the adults stuff themselves on the food that his parents spend a lot of money to acquire, Lycus is expecting the party to come to an end. People are getting up and are starting to leave as well, so Lycus assumes this means he can go back to his room as well. This however proves to be false when his father stands up at the front of the room.

Jacob says, "I appreciate all of you being so willing to come to celebrate the fourteenth birthday of my son James. As you know, the fourteenth birthday is when a boy is finally declared a man. Now that he has reached this point in his life, it is time for James to go out on his own. He has informed me that his plan is to go to the Capital of the Kingdom of Fire, Vulcan, where he will pursue an education."

Once this is said, the crowd all begins to clap. Lycus was already aware that James would be leaving soon, so none of this is a surprise to him. Lycus then watches the party guests leave the hall. Lycus takes this to mean that it is time for him to leave as well.

Just as Lycus is about to leave the room his father says, "Lycus please hang back for a moment. There is something that I would like to discuss with you."

"Alright," Lycus says. He then walks over to where his father, mother, and James are all standing.

Once Lycus is there Jacob then says, "Now then James as you know, our family has a tradition that we follow before sending one of your children out into the world."

"Yes, I am aware," James states with a gleeful look on his face. He then says, "I get to have a personal maid, right?"

Maggie says, "You can also pick a butler. You can pick any of the maids or butlers that are currently in our service to act as your personal servant. He or she will then accompany you as you leave for Vulcan. The reason why we do this is to help you transition to life away from the mansion better."

"Just so you are aware James, you are always still welcome to come back here. In fact, we ask that you please make sure to return here if anything should happen and you need our help. You may be a man now, but that does not change the fact that you are also our son," Jacob states.

"Thank you father. I am glad to hear that," James says. He then states, "So can I pick my maid now?"

"Yes, by all means," Jacob says. He then states, "It is time for James to pick his personal maid or butler. I would like all of the maids and butlers to please line up so he can decide who to pick."

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