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"Tell us what happened" Lila speaks calmly at her. Moments ago, when she entered my room and I saw her face I knew something was up with Maxine. She just nodded to me and we left running.

I find Maxime shaking as we enter her room, sitting on the edge of the bed with a towel wrapped around her body. Drops of water are decorating her pale skin. An urge to sit next to her and take her in my arms spreads like fire within me but instead I sit next to Lila.

I don't want to rush things; she might get scared. Last night she was in a much worse state than now, and I can't deny that I put my curiosity first and saw an opportunity to get closer to her. It's best to give her some space though.

Maxime gives us a scarred look and then lowers her head to face the floor. "I remembered something." Her voice almost cracked. Lila and I lean forward in unison placing our elbows on our knees, ready to reveal to us what she has seen. Our sharp reaction makes Maxine pull back in defence, her hands digging more into the towel's fabric, firmly holding it around her.

I give her a reassuring look and, to my relief, I see her shoulders somewhat relax.

"There was a party on a castle up the hill... I was holding an invitation from Vincent." Maxine starts talking. "I was dancing with him..."

My hands turn to fists at the thought that this blood-sucking bastard laid his hands on her. The blood within me boils and I can't wait for the moment when I tear him to pieces.

"That's very good," Lila smiles at her. "Your memory comes back. Did you see anything else?"

Maxine nods. "I heard screams and turned to watch some of the people invited drop to the ground, lifeless with two tiny holes in their necks." Her voice is like a whisper, trembling with fear from that night of terror.

I want to say something, but I'm left without words. Rage blocks my reason and I feel my body tense. My wolf wants to come out, but I try hard to keep control. I place my hands on the mattress and dig my fingers into it.

"There's something more," Maxine says under a sharp breath, her eyes meeting mine. "He said I'm next."


I pace up and down my study, but it doesn't seem to help. Right now, only a run in the woods can get out my steam. After what Maxime told us, I called a meeting with Lila and Luke when he comes back from the task I sent him.

"Rey, listen to me," Lila speaks with a calm tone in her voice. I wonder how she can be so calm when everything around us changes so fast compared to what we're used to being before we find Maxine. "don't look at the past, focus on the present. I understand you may feel responsible for her suffering, but you cannot change what happened."

"I left her by herself, and she went right into the lion's mouth. I am the one responsible for all of this. I shouldn't have treated her like a coward and run away." I say placing both hands on the wall opposite me. I want to punch the wall, but I refrain.

"Lila is right," Luke speaks sitting casually on one of the chairs in front of my desk. "we need to focus on what we're going to do from now on."

"Speaking of the matter, did you find Seleus?" I say as I take my place at the back of the desk.

"Yes, though it was not an easy task. You know centaurs. These creatures are strange." Luke comments.

"We wished we could have their wisdom," I remark. "Although yes, they are a bit strange sometimes," I smirk. "What did he say?"

"He agreed to meet you on the northeast border. He will inform the others to grant you and Maxine access when you pass the willow tree. Be there at midnight." Luke instructs.

"Thank you," I reply. However, the look he gives me puts me in thought. "Is there something else you want to discuss?" I ask.

Luke lets out a deep breath before he speaks again. "I've been thinking about the attack right under our noses. The grid has been working for all these years but now..." his voice trails off with a hint of disbelief hidden in it. "There is tension in the pack, our home is not secured and you know... whisper has started."

I don't like where he's going on the subject. "The grid is working. Everyone knows that. Instead of going against me and blaming me they should support me and try to find out who brought them in. Because I'm almost certain that someone from within let them in." I growl.

Luke's eyes stay still, unblinking as he eyes me. The air in the room thickens between us, but I don't afraid of no one. I've proven myself as Alpha since day one and I can do it again.

"I'm with you man." Luke finally breaks the silence. "From what I've heard, it's some members of the council that started the buzz."

This is getting better. Now, not only there's a war-like situation with the vampires, but I also have to deal with the council that decided to question my actions after what we've been through all these years.

I feel something heavy pressing my chest so much it's going to crush me under it. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and pushed myself back on the chair.

"All I need right now is some answers, and I hope the centaurs will provide us with them," I say under my breath.


It's about an hour before we meet with the centaurs and I'm on my way to Maxine's room. Earlier I sent Gloria to the town to get some clothes for Maxine so she wouldn't have to walk around in mine. Well, it didn't bother me at all. The thought that my scent is all over her made my wolf at ease, knowing that no one else approaches her.

Gloria was back already since the early afternoon when she reported for patrol duty, therefore, I long to see what she has got for Maxine.

After getting a shower and changing clothes I head downstairs to check on tomorrow's training schedule. The meeting took me a long time, so now I'm nearly running to get her ready and on our way to the northeast border.

I stop outside her door and take a deep breath. Anticipation makes my heart beat fast like a racing horse running free on endless fields.

I knock on the door and feel time stop until I hear her voice from the other side permitting me to come in.

The air caught short in my lungs as I open the door and watch her standing in front of the bed, looking at the door. She wears a pair of jeans, hugging her curves perfectly and a deep green sweater. My chest fills with hope to confess to her all these feelings I keep deep inside me.

I must be staring at her for a long because I see her blushing and slightly turning her eyes away from me, looking to the floor on her side. She's shy. She's not used to so much attention.

"I'm sorry for staring," I say rubbing the back of my neck. "You look... different." I smile, trying to break the awkward silence between us.

"It's okay..." She whispers.

I walk closer and extend my elbow to her. She remains in place looking at me puzzled.

"The walking stick won't help you where we're going. Better hold on to me."

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