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I stand straight, hands crossed in front of my chest as I watch my newly formed council standing around the large table. The patrol party has reassured us that everything is clear on our side however, something's lurking outside our borders. Something that stinks of death and decay. I curse under my breath. Those vampires will not rest until they get Maxine. I wonder if they already knew she was special. Maybe they did, but I doubt they expect her to know her powers. Too bad for them.

I've already contacted Seleus and asked for his guidance on the matter. I send Gloria as soon as Gina's mother informed us about her relationship with Maxine's parents. He said that he will be with us soon as Maxine should be trained in order to be able to control her abilities.

The thought of her brings me back all those memories of her, trembling in my hands with every kiss and touch I imprinted on her body. Her reactions were turning me on, even more, and I couldn't hold myself back. I wasn't expecting my reaction to her. That moment when she held me and began to guide her how I wanted to rub me was driving me crazy. I know I pushed things too far for her but I wanted more. And her eyes were telling me she wanted the same.

I was happy to see Luke back as well. After the recent attack, he was in bad condition, but thanks to Lila's treatment his recovery sped up really fast. Although he still looks exhausted, I bet the urge to see his newly born children made him get up on his feet at once.

"So, if we have concluded with our agenda I want to discuss another matter before we go." Alice – a short wolf with chestnut hair and silver-blue eyes - speaks raising her hand to request approval to proceed. Everyone's expression changes slightly as they are not aware of the matter like I as well. Regardless, I nod at her to continue and a smile spreads on her face.

"As you all know, in two weeks we'll have the feast for the full moon approaching and it will be the same time as the ceremony for the newly mated wolves. As the main responsible person for setting up the ceremony this year, I would like to ask you Alpha if you would like to participate with the Luna." The young lady chimes full of excitement.

The council members give me all playful looks waiting for my response. I, on the other hand, feel taken off guard. I wasn't expecting this, let alone to ask for my participation. I was thinking that I'll never have to take part in this but she's right. Now I have found my mate. This ceremony will be a statement to the whole pack that we're together and signal her position as Luna, although some are already referring to her by that title. I feel my ears burn.

"I believe it is best to ask her. I'll follow her decision." I reply trying not to discourage her with my tone. The bright smile on her face doesn't fade, so I think I succeeded.

Whit that, the meeting concludes and everyone takes their leave except me and Luke.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him a squeeze. I'm pleased to see him back with us so soon. "You scared me out there buddy."

Luke stays silent for a few moments, looking at me like he's still in shock from the attack. But then, his expression calms.

"I was scared, I won't hide from you." He lets a blow of the hot air he was holding. "Mostly about Gina though, I heard you when you were saying that she's giving birth. I was scared for her, that I couldn't be there by her side, holding her hand, giving her courage that everything is going to be all right. That I might not make it to see my family complete."

I see a change in him. From the carefree wolf I used to grow up with, now he's a caring husband and father ready to take on his responsibilities.

"You're here, with us. It's all that matters." I smile at him and I'm glad to see he's mirroring my expression. "But you should get some rest first. We need you back fully regenerated." I pat him on the back playfully.

"That's tricky." He laughs. "Twins you know."

I nod my head in acknowledgement. Having two new lives in the family must be not an easy task.

"So, how things are going with Maxine?" He winks at me while a playful smirk forms on his face. "I'm sorry for before, but they were anxious to start so I had to interrupt you. The air was steamy in there." He speaks moving his left hand in front of his face like he wants some air. I laugh at his antics.

"It was quite hot in there." I mimic his tone. "And I wonder how far hotter it would be if you didn't show up."

"That's good," Luke says with excitement. "She may have decided to offer herself to you."

"No, I didn't want to go this far for tonight. I know we pushed it too far as it is. I don't want her to do something that later she might regret. I want to prepare her, slowly, giving her the time she needs. Tonight, it was just a taste." I say as unintentionally a faint smile forms on my lips.

Luke reflects my look, his face depicts the happiness he feels for his friend.

"Tell me," I hesitate to ask "Are you feeling like this with Gina? I mean different? Because I've had some moments with other girls in the past, though not too far to have sex with them I've never felt the passion, the desire, the lust and the need I feel with Maxine." It was tantalizing but I held myself for when I meet my mate, although I didn't have faith in it in the past.

"Your mate is the other half of your soul. It's not only your mind or heart. Your whole existence craves for her as she craves for you. She needs some time to understand why she feels so much attraction to you that now is not known to her because she's not a wolf and doesn't know about this as we do. But soon she will, and then she will be more than willing to complete your union."

Luke's words give me strength, he's a true friend. He and Lila helped me a lot with accepting my fate, the fate I was so foolish to want to kick away. It's true, regardless of Maxine's willingness to learn our ways she's not a wolf therefore, it needs more time to comprehend the essence of our traditions. And the concept of having found your mate is not an easy one. You bond yourself with your other half. It's more than just falling in love. Your souls are linked. When we claim each other, we connect with our mate's memories and feelings. It's a sacred union.

We part our ways with Luke as we exit the meeting room. I can see it in his eyes. He can't wait until he's home with his family. A strange thought passes from my mind and I smile at myself. Me and Maxine, surrounded by pups running around us. My mind is occupied by these thoughts until I stop outside my room. I can hear her heartbeat, soft and steady.

I open the door slowly and confirm my suspicions. She's asleep, curled in a tiny ball on the right side of the bed. The fire is almost dead in the fireplace. She must be freezing covered only with the sheets above her light nightgown.

The smell of honey hits my nose as I walk closer. She must have had a shower, my scent around her is fading. I take off my clothes, leaving them on a chair and get under the sheets dragging her body close to me until she's safely placed and warm in my arms.

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