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It's been a week since I woke up. My feet are much better, though my ribs still need some time until they are fully recovered.

Lila is so helpful to me, but I see this is getting her back on fulfilling her duties as the pack's healer, and I feel guilty to cause that to her.

I'm still moving around the house with a walking stick, but soon I expect to get rid of it too.

My first goal is to get away from here. Most of the people here show me how much of a burden I am to them on any available opportunity. Especially Julia and her company.

However, the most difficult part was avoiding Rey and his penetrating gaze. He's basically everywhere. Wherever I want to go, I bump into him, still looking at me with the same anger as the first time we met.

I haven't done anything to him, so why does he keeps treating me like that?

Today, the sky is clear and bright, though winter is still at the beginning. When I open the window of my room, the cold air rushes inside, sending chills all over my body, and I quickly closed it.

I walk to the small dresser, placed in a corner of the room and open the top drawer. The dress I was wearing when they found me was destroyed, so I had it thrown away, while Rey provided me with some of his clothes until I get some of my own. The problem is that Rey is much bigger than me.

I take out a pair of short pants and a white shirt that easily could fit for a dress. His scent hits my nose as I put them on. I'm surprised by myself as I stand still, enjoying his aroma a bit more.

I put the slippers Lila gave me on my bandaged feet and grab my walking stick. Putting on a jacket left on the chair, I walk out of the room.

The recreational area is empty at this time of the day. They must be all out. Earlier in the morning, the house was filled with voices. Some of them were walking outside my door and hitting it hard now and then.

It's ok, I didn't ask them to like me. They only tolerate me because the Alpha decided to let me stay, otherwise, I bet they would have left me out there to rot that night.

On my way down the stairs, I spot two girls sitting further in, where the kitchen is, talking with a mug in each one's hands.

"Good morning." I smile as I enter the kitchen, but they barely notice me. I take a bottle of water and head out through the kitchen door.

It is the first time I get out of the house. I enjoy the cold air hitting my face. I look around and find a bunch of houses around the Alpha's house. They are smaller, and each one has its taste.

They must be for the new couples as Lila told me. When they find their mate, they build their own house to start a family.

Lila's practice was a bit further down. I could see it from my balcony. I was walking carefully as the path may be smooth for them but the little rocks in the ground could easily make me lose my balance.

"Good morning," I say as I push the door open. The waiting room is empty, but the door to her office is closed. She must have a patient. I sit on a chair, placed in a line with four others to one side of the room, resting my feet until she's free to see me.

After a while, the door opens, and a young woman gets out along with Lila. She's tall like all the others. Her blue eyes are glistening with pure joy. Her long red hair falls straight down over her shoulders and a genuine smile is formed on her lips as her hands land protectively over her belly.

She nods at me as she walks out of the practice office and I feel a joy in me that someone, apart from Lila, has addressed me without disgust or hatred painted on their face.

"Good morning, Maxine." Lila's voice echoes from within her study. "Come in! Do you want to drink something?"

"No, thanks I'm all set," I say as I get up and slowly walk to the other room.

I take a seat in front of her desk, and she joins me on the chair next to mine.

"I'm glad you came to see me," she says while taking a sip of coffee. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting you to get out so fast. Your feet still need treatment."

"I can manage." I smile at her. "So, who's that girl?" I point behind me to the girl who just left.

"Oh, that's Gina. Luke's mate. She's pregnant." Lila comments. "So, what is the purpose of your visit here? You came to look around?"

"Actually, I was thinking if I can help you with your patients," I say hesitantly.

Lila studies me without a word and I take it as a hint to tell her more.

"I want to help somehow. To do something. Most of them don't like me, it is evident just by looking at them. The only two people that address me with kindness are you and Gina. Everybody else wants me out of here."

Lila seems to consider my words. Silence falls in the room, making me feel uncomfortable. I look at her, she's sitting still, looking at me.

"I guess you can help me..." her voice trails off.

"I promise I won't get in your way, and I'll follow your instructions." I straighten my back as her words give me hope.

"It is settled then. From tomorrow morning, you start your duties as a nurse." She smiles and I reach for her, closing my hands around her in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much! I promise you won't regret it."

"However, I have a term," Lila speaks as we go back to our places. "And you should accept it."

Her words frighten me for a moment. "What is it?"

"When our shift is over, we'll go on walking. It's very important if you want your feet to get better soon and walk without the stick."

I let out a sigh of relief as I shake my head in agreement.


The first days run like water. I have no idea when it was already been three days now that I'm working with Lila in her practice office.

At first, I had second thoughts as I had never seen a wounded from close and I didn't know my reaction to the view of a nasty wound or blood.

Luckily, I can manage. Lila looks surprised at me too. Today, we have a night shift as well. It's my first one so I don't know what to expect.

"What are the usual cases on a night shift?" I ask while we sit around her office, waiting.

"It is silent usually. But it's nice to have another person with you. It helps time to pass quicker."

Suddenly, the front door to the waiting room bursts open. "Lila!" a male voice shouts and we both jump from our seats.

Lila goes first as I still walk slowly. Moments later, she dushes in with Luke and between them a broad form I could easily recognize, Rey. His head is fallen to his chest, and they drag him to the examination bed.

I walk towards it as fast as I can. When I reach it, I try to look over Lila and Luke. They run in different directions to get medicines and equipment. I gasp in shock as I see Rey lying down with large cuts over his torso.

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