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It's twenty-to-eight when I finish with the boxes. I put everything in order for tomorrow and when everything is clean and ready, I grab my bag and hop onto the bike. I remember the Eldin forest, although I've had many years to visit. There were some stories that the forest is haunted so, that area was cut out from the rest of the town, leaving the forest on its own.

I spot the bonfire as I keep getting closer. There must be around ten to fifteen people around, laughing and drinking. I leave the bike under the sign 'Welcome to Eldin Forest' and walk towards the bonfire. Daniel is the first to spot me.

"Hello," I say softly.

"There she is!" he smiles at me, lifting his hand that holds the drink to point in my direction. "Come, sit with me."

I take my place around the fire. Daniel introduces me to the others. Although it's difficult to remember all these names at first go, I smile and will figure out a way to call them if needed.

Some start to tell horror stories, the surroundings are perfect for such a thing. Shadows of the first trees of the forest's entrance are dancing around us as the light of the fire hits them, taking scary forms.

When there were no stories left to be told, someone said we should play truth or dare. It was the best way to get to know each other a bit better. Soon, my time comes. Daniel asks me, and I don't know why I chose dare.

Maybe I wanted to prove to them that I'm worthy of being in their group by doing something daring. Then, a group of two boys and two girls stand up, one was holding a dark piece of cloth.

One came from behind, folding the cloth around my eyes so I couldn't see anything. Once they made sure I don't see, someone took me by the hand and all of us start walking into the forest, as I heard them say. We keep walking for some time until we stop. The one who's holding me helps me sit on a fallen tree log as they tell me. The task was to stay there, blindfolded for half an hour, alone.

As the group is walking away from me, someone shouts "They say the forest is haunted!" When their giggles faded away, a heavy silence fell all around. That's nonsense the forest is just a forest I told myself. I was keeping calm waiting for the thirty minutes to pass. It was then that all changed.

Suddenly, the silence breaks with the sound of heavy steps towards me. Is there someone else in here? The steps stop in front of me, and I could feel that someone or something is very close. I feel my body tense and an urge to take off the cloth but then I thought that maybe I don't like what I'll see and decide not to move an inch, instead I remain seated, trying to convince myself that everything will be fine.

The being standing close to me let a low growl, sending cold shivers all over my body. I was terrified, I could feel my body shaking in panic, yet I keep telling myself that all will soon end. Some of the kids back there will hear it and run to rescue me.

The being started to sniff me; I could feel its hot breath on my face. All of a sudden, it walks away, and silence falls around me. I wait a bit and then I slowly remove the cloth from my face. There was nothing around. I walk a few steps further and take a branch with a sharp edge, at least something to protect myself. However, I didn't know which way we came here but I had trust in my instinct that I'll find the way back.

The truth is I was getting deeper into the forest, and my orientation was terrible. After some time walking, I reach a clearing. The moonlight shines above so bright, making it look like some painting from a fairytale. I stand in the shadows for precaution, maybe someone else is waiting for someone or something to appear and attack.

So, I sit down in front of a tree and the leaves of the nearby bushes give me a light cover. Seconds later, I freeze in place, my mouth slightly falls open as a big, muscled wolf makes its appearance in the clearing. Pure white fur covers its entire body. Its piercing blue eyes are so clear, I think they look right into my soul the moment they fall on me. When did wolves become so big? Documentaries surely underestimate them. I had never seen a wolf this close.

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