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My legs are deeply rooted in the ground and my mind is blocked as I see Seleus make a deep bow towards me. Rey looks just confused as I am, so we both turn to Seleus with puzzled looks on our faces.

"Thank you for accepting us," Rey responds. "I have some questions that require your advice... regarding Maxine."

Seleus turns sceptical, his eyes drifting from me to Rey and back to me. "I suppose I can help you." He finally answers.

A shred of happiness spreads through me and I watch Rey feeling somewhat relieved that Seleus is willing to help us. The latter motioned us to sit on a rocky bench near the spring where Rey starts recounting the events since I found myself within his territory. Seleus listens carefully placing a finger on his chin and rubbing it softly.

When Rey finishes, we both turn at Seleus looking at him like two children that ask desperately for a favour and they wait anxiously for their parent's response. I try to decipher Seleus' face, but he hides it very well whatever he thinks. It seems that time runs so slowly as we wait for an answer.

Rey's hand finds mine on the bench and wraps it around, giving a light squeeze. His warmth passes from his hand to mine and spreads through my entire body, soothing and delightful. Finally, Seleus straightens his back and opens his mouth to speak.

"From what you've told me, it appears that there's a strong correlation between the events and all lead that your suspicion is rational," he says with a calm and calculating tone in his voice. "However, to be sure, Maxine will have to spend the night praying in the spring. That way her aura will become more transparent, and I will be able to study it. That is the only way to find out why Vincent wants so desperately to get you." He turns towards me.

I feel a weight getting off my shoulders. All I have to do is spend the night praying in the spring. Easy task. Seleus will study my aura and then we'll have all the answers we seek.

"Okay, I'll do it," I say pulling gently my hand out of Rey's grasp and standing up. "Shall I enter now?" I ask turning to Seleus.

"You cannot enter the spring dressed like that." Seleus snaps. "You are only permitted to enter the water wearing nothing but the ceremonial veil of the ancient priestesses." He adds and my blood freezes in shock.

"Ex... Excuse me?" I stutter. There's no way I'm going in there completely naked with just a veil over me.

"Any creature can reveal its aura in its true form, and that is no one else than its birth form." Seleus continues without any loss of calm in his voice.

A low growl echoes from Rey's throat and I turn to him, my eyes pleading for him to find a solution and save me from this. I bet he can see my nervousness by the way his look at me changed when our eyes meet. But I'm afraid there's not much he can do about it. After all, we seek some answers and the sooner we've got them the more prepared will be for our next steps.

I stand still between the two men looking at the spring in front. My mind races. Do I really want to do it? It doesn't concern only me, this time everyone is involved in this upcoming war. I don't want it. I don't want to dip my hands in the blood of more wolves or any other creatures. I don't want to be the sole responsible for their death.

My insecurities try to resurface within me, but I shove them deep down. It's not the right time for this. My body starts to shake at the thought of having to stand there naked. What if someone is watching covered by the big trees and bushes?

"I hope there's no one around except you two..." I whisper, trying to hide the tremble in my voice.

"I can assure you that there's no one around. I have given special request none to come close to the spring for as long as our meeting lasts." Seleus's sincere look on his face gives no room for further discussion. I don't know why but something within me says I can trust him.

"Let's do it." The words slip out of my mouth before my mind can react. Rey stands up and closes the distance between us with a couple of long strides.

"Really?" he asks with a cautious tone in his voice. His eyes reflect a mix of concern and hope in these crystal-blue orbs of his.

"We need to know. If there's no other way, then I must do so." I reply nearly audible to myself. However, I'm sure that he did with his sharp senses. The look he gives me says so.

"I'll leave you alone to get prepared." His hot breath brushes my face, sending pleasant shivers down my spine. "Thank you." He adds, turning to leave but I catch his wrist before he goes further away from me.

"Don't go too far." I watch him with concern. "If something happens... It will make me feel safer..."

He rubs my hand softly with his thumb and a smirk form on his face. He nods and heads over a pile of rocks a bit further away. When I hear him sit down on the cracked leaves, I turn to Seleus.

He opens a leather bag attached around his waist and takes out a neatly folded cloth. "We have adjusted it appropriately so it should fit like a dress." He states.

I grab the fabric and hold it up letting it unfold in front of me. A very thin, almost transparent milk-white fabric appears. My eyes fall on the golden straps on the shoulders, holding the fabric together like a dress, as Seleus said.

I take a look around and see Seleus has already turned his back to me to let me get dressed. Or better say undressed. I don't hear any sound from near, so I guess Rey is still sitting behind the rocks, waiting until I finish or until I scream in case something goes wrong. I have a strange feeling, but I cannot decipher it. I hope it's for the best.

I take off my clothes and underwear and place them right before the entrance of the spring. I put on the veiled dress; the fabric so soft I hardly feel it. The air is colder in here causing my nipples to harden. Instinctively I place my hands over my breasts to cover myself as much as I can.

"I'm ready," I say as I stand at the springboard facing the statue at the centre of the spring.

Something ImmortalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin