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The moon is at its highest as we walk through the forest, heading for the northeast border where centaurs habit. The cold air brushes my face and I think I made the good choice of putting on a sweater.

Through our walk in silence, I was thinking of all the moments with Rey since we first met. And I'm surprised by how much his attitude toward me has changed. From being a total ass to someone who cares to protect the people around him.

However, sometimes I think he's hiding something. Of course, there are matters concerning the wolves only - which is not my business to know - but sometimes the way he looks at me hints at things hidden deep inside of him. Things that may concern me?

I take a glimpse of him. His face looks calm, but his jaw tells otherwise. I see a muscle clench. I drift my gaze momentarily to my hand - wrapped around his strong arm to keep my balance - as the ground here is mostly uneven. I can feel his muscles move lightly under my touch and enjoy the heat emanating from his body.

The forest here is dense. There are only a few spots between the thick leaves where the moonlight from above comes through, creating a silver path along our way. The awkward silence around us makes my unease increase. Rey keeps walking beside me, but he seems tense as well.

"How many different species are living within your territory?" I finally speak trying to break the ice between us. I see him turning his head slightly to my side as a smile appears on his lips.

"At least a dozen." His smooth deep voice resonates around us. "After the war with the vampires, many left their homes to join us. A peace treaty was signed between us, so everyone lives on their piece of land."

"And what happened to the wolves?" I reluctantly ask, hoping my question will not hit a sensitive nerve of his. His expression doesn't change but his body straightens more.

"We were not like now." He sighs. "Silverlight was the largest pack in the area. They were plenty more living nearby. At the war, most of our pack members died while other packs were nearly exterminated." His voice fills with emotion, raw like anger, and I feel the muscles in his arm twitch just a tiny bit as his hands turn momentarily to fists.

"That's a cool name for a pack." I smile. "So, the current members are also from the other packs as well?" I keep asking out of curiosity. "Of course, you don't have to ask if you don't want to." I keep my head down the path.

"No, it's all right." He immediately speaks. "Now we're the only one left. There was another one, but I have to hear from them for a very long time. Maybe they have relocated. What happened then was a tragedy."

"I'm really sorry," I whisper. He turns to look down at me and nods. "I imagine how hard it must be for you to overcome the loss of your parents and become the new Alpha..."

"It wasn't easy. I was very young to take the role of the Alpha. It's a great responsibility and many thought that I wasn't ready, nor I will be ever. I had to prove myself and prove them wrong. I had to fight every wolf that set himself available for this position."

I hear a fragment of pain in his voice that makes my heart tug in my chest. The memory of his body resurfaces from when we met at the lake. The scars scattered on his torso and the big scar - like a tree - on his back. Each scar on his body is a sacrifice on the path to earning the respect of his pack and outside wolves.

I realise that this might not be the best topic to bring up for discussion. I feel a thick veil spreading above us. My attempts to change the subject are not about to happen as Rey stops abruptly, dragging me back as I didn't notice earlier that he stopped. I look up at him and see he's staring into the distance ahead. Perhaps he saw or listened to something I can't.

I open my mouth ready to speak but he places his right hand over mine still holding his left arm just above the elbow, making me stop before I even speak. My skin tickles as my hand is squeezed between his calloused hand and his upper left arm. Heat crosses my cheeks and I turn to the other side hopefully to hide his effect on me before he sees it.

"They're here." He whispers close to my ear, his breath smoothly caressing my face. "I want you to stay very calm. Breathe."

I follow his gaze straight ahead and my mouth falls open in awe. How didn't I notice it before? The path we're heading splits in two as a giant willow tree towers in front of us. Its long sweeping branches leave a sense of peace and the silver light falling from the sky makes it look majestic. A breeze blows making its branches move - like a giant gracefully dancing a mystical tune. I take in every single detail of this moment of nature's beauty, not wanting to miss out on anything.

I turn my face to Rey to find him already looking at me. His eyes glisten in the dim moonlight and there's a tenderness in them that makes something melt in the pit of my stomach. We hold each other's gaze until a sound makes us both turn back to the front.

Leaves rustle from the bushes around the willow tree. I feel Rey's arm as he places it flat on my belly gently pushing me behind while he gets in front of me. His body is tense and alert as he stands still with his hands turning into fists. The rustle continues and a low growl escapes his lips sending cold shivers down my spine.

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