Kinsley's eyes fluttered open, seeing Hailey. She pushes the cover off of her and reaches for Hailey. Hailey lifted her and held her as she sat on the bed.

Capt. Benson knelt down beside the bed, showing her hearing aids to her.

Kinsley nodded, but she places her finger on her lip. She wants quiet.

Hailey: "Can you close the door please Natalie?"

N: "Yes"

The room became very silent, Kinsley slowly puts on her hearing aids.

Capt. Benson looks at Kinsley, her voice calm and comforting: "Hey Kinsley"

"We want to find out more about what happened to you, Kinsley. Can you tell us anything about your family or where you came from?"

Kinsley's eyes welled up with tears, her small voice barely above a whisper, "My Uncle M said he's family, Uncle Brody too."

Hailey held Kinsley close, "It's okay, they can't hurt you again"

Capt. Benson: "Hey sweetie, do you know how long you lived with them?"

Kinsley: "I don't know, they said my mommy and daddy died. I better with them"

Capt. B: "Who said that honey?"

K: "Uncle M"

"Did he ever touch you?"

K: "No, he- he hit other girls. Older"

"I sleep in closet, no hear. Uncle M mad if me loud or play"

Capt. Benson nodded, "You are doing great sweetie, you are safe now"

Hailey looks at the playroom across the hallway through the window, she points toward it, "Kinsley, do you want to play?"

Kinsley nodded, sucking her thumb while in Hailey's arms.

Hailey carefully got up and walked over to the playroom, picking out a doll from a box. Kinsley's eyes widened with excitement as she took the doll, her fingers tracing the soft fabric of its pink dress. She looked up at Hailey, her eyes filled with wonder, "Can I play with her?"

Hailey smiled, her heart filled with both happiness and sadness, "Yes, you can play"

Capt. Benson watched them for several minutes before informing Hailey that she would be in another room interviewing more girls. Hailey nodded in response.

As Kinsley settled into the playroom, Hailey couldn't help but notice the innocence and vulnerability in Kinsley's eyes. She wondered how anyone could harm a young girl. Hailey's heart ached at the thought of the trauma and pain that Kinsley had been through. Kinsley stayed within arm's reach of Hailey while playing with dolls and blocks.

They spent an hour together, playing games, drawing, and slowly helping Kinsley rebuild her shattered trust in the world. Kinsley became comfortable with Hailey and even started laughing. However two female in formal suit entered the playroom, Hailey's heart sank.

"Hello? We are family social workers. We are here to take Kinsley to her foster family"

She knew that this moment would come, but she couldn't bear the thought of letting Kinsley go. Kinsley's immediate reaction was to run up and hide behind Hailey, clinging to her tightly.

Hailey turned to the social workers, her voice shaking with emotion, "Please, can't she stay with me? I'll take care of her" 

The social workers looked at each other, then back at Hailey. "I'm sorry, but we have to follow protocol. Kinsley needs to go into foster care"

Lost Without Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें