Distinct love chapter 40

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Later With taekook

Tae and jungkook were laying on the beach side as they decided to skipped some classes because both of them were not in the mood to attend the class. Tae said '' I never have such a big fight with my brother....i am feeling sad and guilty". Jungkook said " I can understand you.... I have never fought with Namjoon hyung in the past ".

Tae hm-ed in agreement. Both of their eyes were closed while laying. Jungkook hold tae hand while his eyes were still closed and tae done the same gesture. Jungkook said " When I was around 6years old, my papa (omega father) left me and my brother for someone else. He just completely forgot about us in a blink of an eye. He never loved us".

Jungkook continued and tae gaze towards jungkook whose eyes we're still closed " when yoongi hyung was 9 years old he send him to a different country because we three started to became burden for him. Hyung was so young but still he had to live so far from us ". Tae caressed their holding hands " He did wrong to you all ".

Jungkook open his eyes and said " My dad (alpha father) used to drink every day because of him.But he doesn't cared about him and about us. He was selfish and only cared about himself and he ran away leaving us with someone else. Dad sometimes react aggressively but he didn't left us like him. Is this how papa's are supposed to be? I hate him so much....i hope he never be happy in his life".

jungkook eyes were filled with tears and started falling one by one. Tae wiped jungkook falling tears, move his body closer to jungkook and jungkook put his head on tae's chest who hugged him in return. tae asked " When was the last time you met with him? What did he said to you? ".

Jungkook replied " I never met him after that... I don't even remember his face... And i don't even want to met him ever in my life. He is no one to me". Jungkook continued " I wanted to told you this for a long time. I fell hard for you every day even more. I wanted you to know about me. He is the reason why dad started hating male Omega's and so do me and Namjoon hyung".

Tae said " I really appreciate that you opened up to me...i can understand you...it must have been really hard for you .... my situation was somehow similar to you or worse".

Meanwhile With Namjoon

Namjoon replied to the person whom he is talking on the phone " Mr. haun i heard your words but you have to understand that what's wrong is wrong . I am apologizing you for whatever happened but i can't ask someone else to do that even when their are no clear evidence to prove who was wrong and who was right ".

Mr haun replied " Namjoon... I am only talking to you right now is because I and your dad have known each other. I want that omega to say sorry to my son... If not then I have to say that to your father.... All I want is an apologize from him Namjoon". After saying this mr haun disconnected the call.

Namjoon was conflicted to what to do now he knows that jin will not like this . He is even afraid to unveil this in front of him. Namjoon got startled from the ringing sound, it was his dad. " Hello dad " Namjoon said. "Namjoon did you secure the deal with haun? " Namjoon dad . Namjoon replied " No dad... I am trying ".

Namjoon dad " Namjoon we also have other projects to work on.... Made that omega admit his fault in front of haun... And report Me after doing it ".Namjoon
Sigh their dad have a habit of not listening to other people and disconnecting the call after completing his sentence is just too much sometimes.

Later with taekook

Tae said as he also wanted jungkook to know about his family "My papa and he (alpha father) got married , it was an arrange marriage. His family put an act of loving family and a family who supports male Omega's. My grandparents (omega father parents) fell for their act. My papa were only child of My grandparents (omega father parents). They were middle class and they made sure to educate their son. But that alpha was not what they thought".

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