Distinct love chapter -8

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With hobi in star enterprise.

Hobi entered in the building exchanging hellos with everyone in his way. He noticed jin in his way . so he went near him and said with a smile on his face " Good morning hyung ".

Jin saw the smiling alpha in front of him and replied With a professional gesture "
Good morning Mr. hosoek " . The way jin replied to hobi he immediately get the idea that jin didn't like him addressing jin with hyung. So he just gave a small smile and left from there .

Hobi felt little bad because he really like communicating with people and he wanted to become friends with jin. He really liked the way jin is, he saw jin many times talking with the receptionist and he really wanted to become his friend .

Jin noticed the change in the emotion of alpha voice but he didn't care because he knows how alphas really are.

In Namjoon's office

Jhope enters in Namjoon's office and found him talking on his phone. It was really rare sight to watch Namjoon talking to someone with such a happy vibe and he really like it when Namjoon seem excited or happy about something other than his usual straight face.

Hobi train of thoughts break by Namjoon words " Hobi hyung, is there any free time in my schedule today? ". Hobi replied " Yes you have a 2 hour straight free time ". Namjoon nodded his head and continued talking on the phone.

After few minutes, Namjoon said smiling " Hobi hyung, kai will come today in my free time and also he said hi to you ". Hobi just rolled his eyes and said "why he is coming here...I don't like him.... God he is so annoying".

" I don't know what is the problem of you two.... You both are my great friends... And also you guys know each other for so long then also you guys don't get along with each other....whenever he come here every time you guys endup fighting with each other "said Namjoon.

Hobi just pouted and mumble " I DON'T KNOW.... HE IS JUST SO ANNOYING ".


" NO , I don't want to be his partner " Said tae . " Same here, I don't want to do anything together with him" Said jungkook. Both boys eyes were glaring each other with the rage. Both were unhappy about that out of all the people their professor made them a team.

" Listen both of you, I didn't ask you or give you a choice here. So there is no room for your if's and but's. Go back to your seat " Said professor kang.

Taehyung said " Sir can I do this assignment all by myself? ". Jungkook also added immediately " Me too, I want to do it alone too".

Professor kang give his famous sterm look to both the boys and said " Don't you guys listen me before....i think I made my self quite clear....Either you guys do it together or don't do at all and NOW BACK TO YOUR SEATs ".

Time skip to the lunch hours.

Tae is going towards table where four alphas were setting laughing on something. Tae take a deep breath to Calm his anger and frustation and said " Hey....i want to talk about the assignment _".

Jungkook cut him middle with a smrik " Assignment.....what assignment ( jungkook chuckle)....i don't remember....ah...i remember now...Didn't you said that you don't want to do any assignment with me?".

Tae gritted his teeth and said angrily " Yes I remember and I was right.... You are an as* . What was I thinking before coming to you.....I should have known till now that you are egoistic idiotic stupid as* alpha who have no sense ".

Tae left from there. Minso said (one of jungkook friend) " Bro this omega really have a big mouth... How dare he insult you in front of so many people ".

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