Distinct love chapter 19

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Yoongi couldn't help but kept thinking about jimin everytime. Now a days He doesn't know how his all thoughts somehow ended on jimin. Yoongi is now sure for one thing that this feeling which he is experiencing now is just not only platonic, it's much more than that.

Earlier when yoongi met jimin for the first time he saw the scared , innocent omega. So his instinct told him to protect him at all cost. And  he was doing that because it was the right thing to do. But now Yoongi realise that he likes jimin .

At night with alpha brothers.

Yoongi and jungkook were waiting for the Namjoon who came back from the work just few minutes ago. Namjoon descended the stairs and settled himself around the dinner table which draws the attention of others two.

Namjoon said after few minutes " Today Dad called ". The atmosphere changes suddenly " When he is coming to meet us " Asked jungkook out of curiosity. " He still have more months to come jungkook " Said Namjoon softly. Jungkook nodded in agreement.

" What did he said " This time it was yoongi who asked question. " He said he will fund for your studio if you will work in the company even for just few hours everyday". Yoongi sigh because he is fed up of listening same thing again and again From their dad " I am not going to work on his company " .

Namjoon sigh and said " Hyung why are being so persistent about this....dad's idea is not  bad.... You also know that if you will save money from your professor job....it will take you years to open your own studio". Jungkook also nodded in agreement with Namjoon's word.

Yoongi sigh and said " It's okay if it will take me few years to open studio... But i will not compromise....i will never agree on this...and above all.... I have some savings and I will take some loan... And I will just rent a studio for beginning or something like that".

Namjoon said frustratedly " Why are you being stubborn hyung....dad is just trying to help ". This time yoongi couldn't able to hold back " I am not being stubborn okay....dad is not trying to help.... He is trying to cover that his alpha son is a music professor and he loves to make music because of course according to him this is not the profession an alpha should choose. He think I am disgracing him....i mean how can music be a disgrace thing".

He continued " I can't agree to his offer because it will mean that I compromise  my love for my profession. If next time he said the same thing tell him that I will never use a single penny of him for my studio". That's it after that they have their dinner in the silence.

So the thing is their dad hate yoongi for studing music which usually choosen by omegas , male betas and female betas . He wanted yoongi to study or choose a field which dominated by alphas. He is typical alpha who think that they are above from betas and omegas. And yoongi choosing field where mostly omegas and betas studies make his think that yoongi is degrading their kind. So he doesn't like yoongi much.

Next day

Tae remember almost everything that happened with jungkook and him yesterday and tae was feeling little embarrass and wierd because firstly, he took jungkook help which he would have never if he wasn't drunk. Secondly , because he complimented jungkook which he again would have never done if he wasn't drunk.

Meanwhile with jungkook, he was kinda excited to come to the college because of what happened yesterday. He doesn't know exactly why but he was excited. Taehyung entered in his class and his eyes met with jungkook who was already looking towards him with a unfamiliar gaze. Tae thought what the hell is wrong with him but decided to ignore him.

Tae was about to ignore him but before that jungkook started " Hey, taehyung '
" What? " Replied tae . " I think you must have something to say to me " Jungkook said with a hint of excitement in his voice. Tae pause for 20 second and said " Oh yes... Actually I have something to say to you_".

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