Distinct love chapter 9

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In star enterprises

Kai hugged Namjoon with a visible happiness and smile on his face. Namjoon return the gesture with a equal amount of happiness and excitement while displaying his dimples which is a rare view for the most of the people.

" Hy buddy, this time its really been a long, isn't it? " Kai said while taking his place. Namjoon replied doing the same" Yes bro, it's been a while....but how come you remember me suddenly after so long... And even come to meet me...should I need to be worried?".

" Come on buddy... its not like I always call you either for help Or to solve my problems only.... And  man I have a big heart not like someone who didn't even made a effort to visit me once " Kai laughed and said with a spoon of sarcasm in it , and completely ignoring the last line of the other.

Namjoon rolled his eyes " I know you kai....indeed you have a big heart but that's not the only reason for your presence here.... And that you know that I know that you know " .

Kai giggled and said proudly " Well true Mr. Sexy brain....and I have a good news for you ". Namjoon asked " And what is your so called good news? ". Kai replied even more proudly this time" Bro we got a financer for our own business idea for which we were working on since our B-college days".

Namjoon lips automatically curved upward displaying the dimples again " Wow kai.....congratulations.... Wow this is  really a great news... Wow so, now we can start working on this plan ".

Kai said happily " Told you bro... Good news.... Now I will be very often here ".

Time skip

They were discussing about the whole benefits and shortcomings of the plan when they heard knock on the door . Namjoon replied " Come in".

On the other side of the door jhope was standing for a whole 5 minute debating with himself whether he should knock or not. But he decided to do so because of course he can't avoid the work because of someone's presense.

So he took a deep breath to calm his raising heart beat and finally he knocked. He heard a stern come in from inside which didn't effected him at all of course he knows him a little too much to be agitated.

The moment he entered the room, he heard a voice or  you can say a person whom he was trying to avoid " Hey hoba...saw you after a really long....how are you? How's life? '.

Jhope didn't wanted to reply the other but he knows how to not be a child . He replied " Hello kai...first of all it's hoseok for you and second, I am doing good in my life and I hope same for you too.... And now if you are done.... Can I talk to my boss? ".

Hobi turned his attention towards Namjoon but again got interrupted by kai " Don't be like this hoba....come on... I don't know why are you so worked up on me... I mean I didn't even done something ". 

" Please kai....i have work to do so please spare me " Said hobi and he again turned his attention on Namjoon and took his sign on important documents and then he left without even sparing a glance on kai who was watching him without even blinking.

Namjoon asked " What happened exactly between you guys..... You guys used to be fine with each other in college...then suddenly what happened in last few months of college and then you guys were like this all the time ".

Kai just shook his head sadly and said " I don't know Namjoon... Leave him.... Let's discuss our project ".


Kai  was leaving the building of star enterprises and Namjoon was also going with him to drop him to his car . When suddenly he heard "ahhh" From kai's mouth.

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