Distinct love chapter 23

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In star enterprises

It's really getting hard for hobi to not unveil anything to kai when kai is keep forcing him to do so. If he was hobi from past he would have told him everything because that hobi was eager to confess everything to kai but now he have learned his lesson . The current hobi is well aware of the situation. He now doesn't live in a bubble.

Hobi was waiting with namjoon , hyjin (employee in star enterprise ) and jin for business person who is coming there to purpose a business plan. The moment the said person come inside the room, two set of eyes immediately recognize the said person.

Hobi got nervous with the presence , now he understand why the name seem familiar to him. He didn't want to meet this person. The said person said " Hi Mr Namjoon..... I am beom soo... I hope you still remember me ". Namjoon nodded with a professional smile " Ofcourse... beom soo... Hope you are doing good ".

Beom soo said while eyeing jhope strangely " I am doing good Namjoon...i see hoseok is here too...whats up hoseok?... You three are still friends". Hobi didn't replied anything and jin found strangness in beom soo stare towards hobi.

Namjoon noticed hobi silence . So he further added " Come on..Let's sit and converse about business ". Throughout the meeting beom soo keep staring to hobi or keep ending his sentence on him.
Namjoon and jin felt that thing too.


When they back to their own cabin, hobi heard knock on his door & he replied " Come in ". Hobi was not expecting to see beom soo there . Beom soo said " Hi hosoek.... Long time no see". Hobi replied annoyedly " We are not that close to meet each other beom soo".

Beom soo smirk and said " Someone trying to be brave... Huh... Did you forgot about last time how you were begging me to close my mouth". Jhope gulped in nervousness " Shut up... Tell me Why are you here? ". Beomsoo laughed and continued " For my project... Ofcourse....i just want a small favor from you". Hobi got confused " What favour? " .

" Convince Namjoon to approve my proposal" Said beom soo. Hobi said irritedly " How can i convince him... I am not a boss... I work for him...sorry i can't do this". Beomsoo smrik and said " Okay no problem....don't do anything... I will just unveil your trueself in front of them....i will tell them that how their sweet friend hosoek love kai who is also an alpha ".

Hobi didn't wanted himself to be seen as desperate in front of beom soo . So he controlled his emotion and said " Please don't say anything to them... I will try to convince him ". Beom soo smiled " That's the spirit hobi... But make sure you get succeed " .

Hobi was so lost in his own thought that he didn't noticed when beom soo left from there. The reason why hobi didn't want kai Or Namjoon to know about his feeling is not only because of the fear of rejection, it's also because of the societal taboos. Being an alpha and also dating an alpha is a taboo in their society and it's gets worse when it's come to being an omega and also dating an omega.

Now hobi is well aware of the thinking of his friends. He knows how conservative Namjoon is and what if he will stop being friends with him because of this reason. Kai is somehow better than Namjoon in this case but hobi have enough experience to draw a conclusion to not disclose his feelings in front of him.

Beom soo is the only person who knows other than him about his feeling towards kai. One time hobi was talking to himself in washroom about this and he didn't noticed that someone is also there other than him. But when he noticed beomsoo there he panicked and begged him to not disclose this in front of anyone. And luckily , beomsoo agreed that time. But hobi never expected that he will again face beomsoo after completing their clg.

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