29. My First Love

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Charlie's POV

I cannot get the image out of my head.

His lifeless body lying on the tiled floor.

His pale skin turning blue.

He looked dead.

I thought that he was dead.

Two weeks had passed, which meant that summer was officially over and the beginning of my senior year of high school was now in session.

"How is he doing?" Asked Clayton as we were seated at our regular table for lunch.

"He's doing better." Adelaide answered from beside him.

Adelaide had transferred from St Griffiths so that she could spend her senior year with her boyfriend, which was pretty cute.

"He's been asking for you." She turned her attention to me.

I haven't seen Ace since the ambulance came and rushed him to the nearest hospital. Don't get me wrong, I so desperately wanted to.... But I just couldn't.

I didn't want to see him in that state.

"How are you liking Clarence High?" I asked her, changing the subject.

I can see her slightly frown before she responds. "It's not too bad, much better than I expected it to be."

I looked across the lawn to the empty parking space where Ace always parked his motorcycle, and I couldn't help but frown.

I felt bad that I hadn't been to see him yet.

"Hi guys." Ryan greeted us, holding his lunch tray. Tom was standing right behind him, his eyes awkwardly looking over to Ella.

"Hey, Ellie." He greets her.

"Hi." She responds.

Well this is awkward....

"I'm going to get a head start to class." I tell the group, standing up from the table.

"I'll come with." Ella says, reaching for her mini backpack.

"There's still ten minutes left until next period." Clayton stated.

"I walk very slow nowadays." I joked.

"Okay, see you later?"

"Uh, sure." I offered a friendly smile before walking off.

Ella slips her arm around mine and linked them together. "That was awkward." She stated.

"Very." I agreed. "So, are you and Tom like, friends now? Or?"

"He wants to be friends, but I can't stand looking at his stupid hot face." She groaned. "It's taking all of my energy to stop me from slipping my tongue in his mouth."

"Ugh, I did not need that visual." I say, grimacing.

"So why haven't you been to see Ace?" She wondered as we entered the school's building and walked slowly down the corridor.

I sighed dramatically. "I don't know." I answered. "I guess I'm annoyed at him. I know that makes me sound like a bad person, but... I just can't."

"Are you okay?"

"Not really." I answered honestly. "I haven't been getting much sleep. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is...." I couldn't even finish the sentence.

"That sounds rough, I'm so sorry Charlie." She puts her head to my shoulder.

"Summer didn't go the way we wanted, huh?"

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