12. Your Average Numb-Brained Idiot

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Ace's POV

Allegra's arm remained draped over my shoulder as I watched Charlie walking away with Sam towards the roller coaster.

Allegra had singlehandedly decided that we should go on the Ferris wheel first, without regard for what carnival ride I had wanted to go on first: which was none of them.

I wanted to talk to Charlie. But, given the fact that he didn't want to pair up with me, I'd say he's probably still angry with me for not introducing him to my summer friends as my boyfriend.

I wanted to. The words were seated at the tip of my tongue, wanting to be let out, wanting the world to know that Charlie was mine, and I was his. But at the last second, I panicked and decided against it.

"So.... I heard you was under house arrest." Was Allegra's attempt at small talk as we seated ourselves in one of the Ferris Wheel's carriages. I took a seat beside her, sighing.

"Yep." I pursed my lips.

"What happened?" She pressed on, her shoulder grazing against my own.

"I got too drunk and started a fight." Was the simple answer, and the only answer Allegra was going to receive. I know that everyone saw me as the bad boy. The troublemaker. The rebel. But i would wager all of my earthly belongings that none of them suspected that I was damaged beyond repair.

Allegra's pungent perfume wafted in my direction as the Ferris wheel took off. There were certain types of perfume that honestly made me sick to my stomach, to the point that I had wanted to vomit. Allegra's perfume, was one of those rare occasions.

"Your new friends are nice." She says, breaking the silence before it had time to set.

"Yeah, they are." I said, my mind stuck on Charlie.

"If I am being honest, I totally pegged you for the loner guy who listened to Bring Me The Horizon's greatest hits on repeat." She said, shifting her body to face me.

Maybe last year's version of Ace Caldwell would have perfectly fitted that description. Back when I rarely spoke to anyone who wasn't part of my immediate family.

"Are you okay? You're very quiet." Allegra's words cut into my thoughts.

My mind was raging like a storm. All I needed was a cigarette, and maybe a few shots of absinthe.

Charlie's POV

As I seated myself next to Sam in the rollercoaster, I couldn't help but think about Ace and his former summer fling paired up for the day.

I know, I made a foolish mistake. Clearly I had still remained jealous of Ace and Allegra's tendency to appear as a heterosexual couple, so why on earth did I choose to buddy up with a guy I had just met the other day, rather than pair up with my boyfriend.

Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between, introducing to you, Charlie freaking Harrington, your average numb-brained idiot who let his boyfriend wander off with his ex.

I was stuck inside of my own head, I hadn't even realised that the rollercoaster ride had came to a halt.

"That was fun." Sam stated.

"Totally." I went along with it.

I pulled out my phone and swiped upward on the screen to see if there were any notifications from Ace. There weren't any.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me the exact same question that I was asked on a daily freaking basis. All three of those words in a sentence was seriously starting to tick me the hell off.

I forced a polite smile before giving him my response. "Yeah, just a bit dizzy from that ride."

"Do you want to have a break?" He asked me.


As we headed to the exit of the rollercoaster, i refreshed my notifications again.

Still nothing.

Charlie, just text him!

But what would I say?

Maybe start off with saying that you are stupid for choosing to ride a rollercoaster with another guy?

Sure Charlie, play the people pleaser. You don't see Ace texted you about being all chummy with Allegra the wannabe barbie doll.

Okay, that might have been taking it too far. Allegra was beautiful, and I honestly had nothing against her: apart from the fact that her and my boyfriend had history, and that she was hanging around him and whispering to him from the corner whenever we were in the same room. Like honestly, what is so interesting that you have to whisper in my boyfriend's ear about?

I will just have to talk to him later. For now, I wanted to try and at least have a semi-normal, drama-free day.

After having a short break, seated on a bench as i gulped down a bottle of water, Sam and I had then headed to the bumper cars.

"Do you wanna drive?" He asked me as we moved up in line.

"Okay." I said awkwardly as I picked at my fingernails: a habit that I was trying to forsake. I looked up ahead to see Ace and Allegra, also standing in line for the bumper cars.

Allegra was flapping her gums about something I didn't care for, while Ace was swiping on his phone, probably watching tiktoks or something like that.

One week into our relationship, i had demanded that Ace immediately signed up for tiktok, since he was always watching mine on my phone. We had even created some of our own, not that anyone would ever have the pleasure of viewing them. They were currently collecting digital dust in my 'only me' folder.

The line had moved up and Sam and I had settled into one of the bumper cars, me in the driver's seat. After clicking my seat belt in, I looked over to see Ace's green eyes glaring towards Sam before he had caught me looking at him. At the realisation that I was looking at him, his face fell into neutral mode before he offered me a short and sweet smile.

I smiled back, my mind focusing on the possibility of whiplash as the bumper cars began to move. I hadn't even known that my foot was on the pedal, nor did I know how to drive one of these contraptions.

I hope I don't die.

Wouldn't that be mortifying? Tourist teenager dies from inability to steer a bumper car.

I tend to have many intrusive thoughts, some of them didn't even make sense.

After controlling the steering wheel and driving appropriately, I turned to Sam and smiled. "I'm doing it." I laughed.

Come on Charlie, a four year old could drive this thing. It's not that much of an accomplishment.

I followed behind a red haired girl and a guy, who I assume is her boyfriend, making sure not to bash against the back of their vehicle.

I wasn't stupid. I knew that the entire purpose of bumper cars were to bumper cars with other people. But, I didn't like that idea.

Of course, that didn't stop someone from ramming their miniature vehicle against the side of mine, scaring the living shit out of me.

It was Ace and Allegra.

I was shocked, at first. But then I smiled at Ace before narrowing my eyes, promising him revenge.

His facial expression told me to bring it on.

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