2. Road Trip

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Ace's POV

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." I told Charlie as we were seating in the upstairs living room.

He seemed hesitant about the idea of going to Los Angeles for the entire summer, and his eyes were looking upwards, as if he were deep in thought, contemplating.

"No, I want to go." He reassured me, giving a half smile.

"I think Della also invited your sister." I told him.

I was surprised that Adelaide became such good friends with Ella and Nora. I mean, sure, they're great, but they are way off from the people Della usually hangs around with.

Charlie groaned.

I twisted around and slumped backwards, resting my head on his lap as I looked up into his eyes. "We can bail, maybe you and I could just take off to Australia and drink fancy cocktails in the Great Barrier Reef." I suggested as a joke.

Charlie scoffed down at me. "You're so weird."

I gave a feigned gasp.

"Acey!" My annoying little brother called as he entered the second floor living room. "Can I please come to LA with you guys."

I let out a sigh before sitting up. "You can't come." I frowned.

"No fair." He pouted.

"Mom and dad might bring you out in a few weeks." I told him, pretending like I believed it myself. If I know my parents, and I do, they will most likely spend the summer working from home. I would bring Adam with us, but with it being the summer and all, I doubt I'd be able to keep an eye on him twenty-four/seven. And Adelaide had already protested against watching him.

"Liar." He walked away with a frown on his face.

"Aw." Charlie pouted.

"Don't you start now." I playfully shoved him.

"Guess I better go home and pack for tomorrow." Charlie said, forcing himself to stand up from the couch.

"Don't forget to pack speedos." I jested.

He turned to face me, his eyes widening.

"I'm only kidding." I laughed, causing him to let out a sigh of relief before he kicked me in the foot.

"Ouch." I chuckled.


The next morning, Della and I had packed our things into her car and headed to pick Charlie and Nora up from their place.

Adelaide insisted on Nora sitting in the passenger seat, which left me in the back with Charlie, not that I'm complaining. Though, spending an entire car ride with Adelaide and Nora talking nonsense in the front was well worth complaining about. I should have rode my motorcycle down, but Charlie didn't like that idea.

Half an hour into the drive, Charlie had his head slumped against the window slightly opened window, his head faced upwards to get air. He looked like he was starting to be sick.

"You okay?" I asked him, tapping him gently on the shoulder.

He gave his head a shake in response.

"He gets car sick." Nora said from the passenger seat. "Make sure to steer clear."

Charlie groaned, rolling his eyes as he inched his head upward towards the opening of the window to receive air.

"Please do not vomit in my car." Della implored from the driver's seat as she steered into a different lane on the highway.

I took Charlie's hand in mine, rubbing his thumb with my own.

I couldn't help but think that maybe he had made a mistake in saying yes to dating me. He's perfect: kind, pure and deserves to be happy. But I'm not perfect. I'm a fucking shitty person, and one way or another, I'll ruin everything.

I always do...

Tom's POV

My parents wanted me to spend the summer working on upping my football game, like I already wasn't the best player in my school, even better than Joey.

I've never truly had a break. It's always been football this and football that. It's always been trying my hardest to be the best, and trying my hardest to earn an athletic scholarship at a decent enough college.

I loved football.

But I'm already good enough.

All I wanted to do this summer was spend time with my girlfriend and our friends, and have a great time. Not spend it running five am laps around the block and going to the gym four days a week.

"I cannot wait for this summer! It's going to be amazing!" Ella squealed as she hopped into the passenger seat.

I smiled at her enthusiasm before nodding in agreement. Hopefully she's right and this summer would be amazing.

We stopped by Clayton's house first, then we went and picked up Ryan from his place.

"I'm so exited." Clayton mused.

"Same." Ryan said, agreeing with him.

As I turned out of Ryan's driveway, Ella connected her phone to the Bluetooth radio and began to play her summer playlist.

Charlie's POV

The car came to a halt.

It wasn't because we had finally reached our destination, nor was it because we were stuck in traffic.

It was because Adelaide had decided to stop at a diner to get something for lunch, which only made me nauseous. But, I was glad the car stopped, because now I can get out and stretch my cramped legs and get some fresh air.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Ace asked me as I stretched.

"No, I'm good. I'll have a slushy though." I answered.

"What kind?" He wondered.

"Blue Raspberry."

He shot me a quick smile before following Nora and Adelaide into the diner, leaving me to take a nice long breath.

I hated that I was like this. That I got sick on long road trips and that I couldn't go on carnival rides without the contents in my stomach wanting to crawl up and out of my throat.


Slushies were the greatest solution.

Have you ever had a slushy whilst feeling sick? Trust me, it's amazing.

Closest thing to a cure for car-sickness, in my opinion.

I let out a prolonged yawn as a text came through on my phone. It was Ella informing me that they were on their way.

I texted back a thumbs up and pocketed my phone before resting against the vehicle, waiting for Ace, Nora and Adelaide to return.

When they did, they returned with some takeaway bags and four large cups of slushies.

Ace handed me mine, and I was quick to take a slurp from it before letting out a sigh of satisfaction.


Thank you for reading.

Sorry this chapter is so short, I haven't been able to write lately as I have been feeling unwell.

Hopefully I will be able to write and release more chapters soon.

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