13. Harry Potter is cool...

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Adelaide's POV

Clayton and I had been paired together.

Currently, we were seated on a carriage of the Ferris Wheel, an awkward silence between us as we reached it's apex.

"We should have a bonfire tonight." I said, breaking the silence.


"A bonfire. We should have one."

He nodded his head, turning to look out at the view. The view was beautiful, more so with him in it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Do you not want to be with me?" He questioned me, turning his face so that his eyes looked into mine.

"What?" I furrowed my brows at him.

"Why don't you want anyone to know about us?"

I didn't know the answer to that. I liked Clayton, truly, I did. I just, I didn't know.

"I don't know if I can do this." He says.

"Do what?" I asked him.

"I don't know if I can remain your secret anymore." He says.


"I know I said I was cool with it, but I really like you. Like, a lot. But I feel like you're just using me for sex." He frowned.

"I'm not using you." I assured him, placing my hand in his.

"So why don't you want to be with me?"

"Uh, maybe because you haven't asked me out yet?" I shoved him.

"Would you even say yes?" He wondered.

"There's only one way to find out." I smiled.

Charlie's POV

"That was fun." I said to Ace after we had exited the bumper cars and seated ourselves on a bench. Sam and Allegra had gone to get some drinks, leaving Ace and I behind.

"You drive maniacally, you should never get behind a real wheel." Ace says, causing me to shove him playfully.

A text came through on Ace's phone. He pulled it out of his pocket, and I raised my eyebrows curiously. It's probably Allegra asking what drink he wants. He rolled his eyes and slid his phone back in his pocket.

"And they say I'm an alcoholic." He says.


"Adelaide wants to get drunk, again." He says, putting my mind at ease.

I seriously cannot with alcohol right now, or perhaps ever again.

"Ugh." I shoved my hands into the pockets of my pants.

"We got you both a soda each." Allegra flashed a smile as she returned, Sam standing beside her. She handed Ace a can of Coca Cola, while Sam handed me a can of Diet Coca Cola. Like, who even drinks diet cola? It kind of defeats the whole purpose of Cola.

"Thanks?" I took the can and held it.

"Sorry, I didn't know what kind of drink you liked." Allegra says. Sure, sweetie, whatever you say. Apparently I give off diet soda vibes. If anyone here drinks diet freaking soda, it's her. She probably drinks the worst flavor of kombucha. Hell, she probably takes her water with sliced cucumbers.

"What shall we do next?" She wondered, taking a polite sip from her drink.

"We could go on another ride?" Sam suggested to the group, taking a rather loud slurp from his drink.

"I don't feel like going on anymore rides." I told him.

The rest of the day went by swimmingly. I didn't go on any other rides, nor did Ace, Sam and Allegra. Instead, we decided to walk around like tourists, tasting all sorts of foods and even going down to the beach. Allegra, ever so predictable, insisted that she get a photo taken every five minutes, probably to post it all over her social media with some cheesy ass caption.

It was now nearing sunset and I was seated on a sun-lounger by the pool, reading a book with my bare feet kicked up. The others had gone down to the beach to set up a bonfire for Adelaide's close-knit party tonight, which she insisted more than once that it was not a party. In her own words, she described it as friends having a few drinks, sitting around a bonfire and having fun. I, however, had zero intentions whatsoever to have even a drop of alcohol tonight. The last thing I needed was to wake up and still taste vodka in my breath. It's disgusting, and the haunting taste still keeps me up at night. I wouldn't mind roasting some marshmallows, though, maybe make a few s'mores.

God I love s'mores.

"What are you reading?" Sam asked from beside me. I think I'm going to have to insist that everyone wear a cat bell when they're around me.

"I am reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell." I answered him, holding up the book.

"What's it about?" He wondered.

"It's kind of like Harry Potter." I gave him a brief summary. I could have explained it more than that, with greater detail, but I honestly couldn't be bothered. It's not like he would read it anyway.

"Harry Potter is cool." He said in an awkward manner before a deafening silence ensued. I could hear laughter coming from down the beach, along with the few squawking seagulls and the calming sound of low tide waves overlapping against the shore.

"I assume you're here for Adelaide's little get-together?" I bookmarked my book and set it down as I sat upright.

"Yeah." He says. "She asked me to come, and, I didn't have anything better to do so I thought, why not?"

"They're down on the beach setting it up." I informed him.

"I'd rather stay here and talk with you." He says, causing my heart to pause.

Was he hitting on me?

No... he couldn't be. That would not be at all appropriate. But the way he was looking at me...

"I Uh, I have a—"

"There you are." Ace approached us. He had no shirt on and his hair was wet, which was a clear indication that he must've taken a dip in the water. How can anyone swim in the ocean without fear of being eaten by a shark? Classic Charlie, ever the drama queen. He looked to Sam before his green eyes fell on me. "Uh... the bonfire is ready." He tells us.

"Okay." I said, standing up and walking hastily making my way down towards the beach.

Ace's POV

It felt as if I had just interrupted something.

As Charlie walked down to the beach, Sam's eyes trailed him before he caught me looking at him.

Did Sam like Charlie?

Sam moved to follow Charlie down to the beach. In the spur of the moment, I reached out and gripped his arm, holding him in place.

"Stay away from Charlie." I gave him a warning as I glared at him.

I released my tight grip from his arm and turned to walk back down to the beach.

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