22. Born to Die

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Charlie's POV


That's the word I would use to describe my beloved parents. Even as a child they almost constantly coddled me, a single splinter would have sent them into a theatrical state of worriment.

"It appears your son has the flu." The nurse told my parents the diagnosis.

"The flu?" My mother raised her eyebrows, confused. "But he was vomiting, and he fainted!"

The nurse took a breath. "Yes, the flu affects everyone differently, but your son, Charlie, has a weakened immune system and is at risk of flu complications."

Weakened what? Since when?

"What does that mean?" Dad asked.

"The immune system is our body's defence against infections. Since Charlie has a weak immune system, it's harder for him to fight against infections and he is more prone to severe symptoms, such as vomiting, fainting, and enhanced symptoms to that of the regular flu."

"So you're saying it's just a big flu?" Dad wondered, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Will he be okay?" Mom asked, panicking.

"Charlie will be fine, Mrs Harrington. With his weakened immune system, it may be best for him to remain in hospital until he is better."

"Do I have to stay here?" I asked, a gnarly cough followed after, taking me to the point of near emesis.

"It would be best." The nurse gave her opinion.

I hated hospitals. They were creepy, they smelled like antiseptic and fresh linens—though I guess that is a pro, not a con—but still, I didn't like hospitals. Now I was being forced into staying for longer than I wanted to.

I wonder if they'll give me drugs...

"I'd suggest wearing a mask and disposable gowns when visiting him, just to be safe." She added.

My throat was so sore, it felt as if I had just smoked an entire packet of cigarettes simultaneously, and since I spent most of last night unable to sleep with the cold sweats, my eyes were now threatening to shut.

Why is it that you can't sleep when you want to, but the minute you don't want to, sleep takes over?

"Are you feeling any better?" Mom asked me, as if spending half an hour in the hospital could magically cure me.

Speaking was too hurtful at the moment, so I just nodded a lie.

I was not feeling any better, In fact, I felt like I was getting worse.

I tried to look for my phone, but to no avail. I must have left it at home.

"Get some rest, we will come back in a few hours." Mom says to me.

"Love you." She added.

"Love you too." I say back. It felt like razors were coming out of my throat.

"Take care, son." Dad says.

I gave him a thumbs up and a smile before resting into the bed, everything around me going dark.


Later that day, I woke up with a cough to find a trio of masked and gowned people staring down at me, startling the hell out of me.

What the f—

"Hey, Charlie!" Ella's voice says through the mask.

I sighed epically. "Oh my god, you guys scared the hell out of me." I state in a raspy voice.

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