25. Vacation: Part Two

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Charlie's POV

Everything was going great.

I was feeling all better, and after almost two weeks of making sure I was okay, my mom allowed me to head back to Los Angeles with the rest of the group for, as Ella called it, Vacation: part two.

We stand outside of the Caldwell Beach House with our luggage. "Let's hope this goes better than last time." Says Adelaide before unlocking the front door.

Seven days.

We only had seven days to make sure we had the best vacation ever, which seemed like not enough time, but to me, it sounded awesome. Seven perfect days of summering beneath the LA sun with my favourite people.

Hopefully, Sam or Allegra won't be around, because that would ruin our second attempt at trying to have a great summer.

My mother was hesitant to let me come back to LA, but, after a lot of persuading, she agreed, as long as Nora agreed to come and keep an eye on me. The only other person that was missing was Tom, who insisted that he needed to practice and train for football. Ella says that he's hoping to be good enough to receive an athletic scholarship. Tom is a great guy, so I truly hope he gets it. He deserves it.

We walk inside and set our things down in the foyer. "What should we do first?" I asked excitedly.

"Absolutely nothing." Ace groaned.

Everyone else murmured in agreement.

"You guys are so boring." I tell them.

"Yeah, yeah, we know." Ella says, dragging her luggage towards the stairs.

"We can do something tomorrow. Tonight can just be chill, you know? Maybe we can watch a movie?" Adelaide suggested.


Everyone takes their luggage to their rooms while I head out to the back and take in the scenery, again. The scent of saltwater wafted from the ocean as waves crashed against the shore. The sun was setting, which caused the sky to burn with a bright and tangerine fire. Soon, it would fade into a velvety midnight blue, before fading into pitch black with a scatter of stars.

I take it all in with a deep and smooth breath. I was determined to have a great time and make this the best summer imaginable. Hopefully,
everyone else would get on board.

Down on the sand, I see two children chasing after a golden retriever puppy who was headed towards the water. They were giggling, and I was struck with nostalgia.

They reminded me of Ella, Clayton and I. We may not have been best friends for our entire lives, but we've been close for what seemed like forever.

"Charlie?" I hear Adelaide's voice.

I turn around and face her. "Yeah?"

"We're ordering food, would you like anything in particular?" She asked.

"I'm fine with whatever." I tell her as a swift breeze ruffled my hair.

I took that as a sign that I should go back inside.

"What's for dinner?" I ask.

"Everyone wanted something different, so we're just going to get everything." Adelaide says.

I guess that's a solution.

When she said everything, she really meant it. She ended up ordering Two full pizzas, garlic bread, a large bucket of fries, some Chinese food, Korean deep-fried chicken, a platter of seafood, hamburgers and chicken nuggets. Turns out, not only was Adelaide hungry, she and Clayton were both stoned and they had the munchies.

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