Deep Talk

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"You look like someone threw a bucket of cold water over your head," I rolled my eyes when Chishiya-san entered my hospital room again around noon. I was just about to pack my little bag, which my mother had brought me yesterday. She and Aguni were already gone because he was on shift, and she desperately needed rest.

"That's exactly how I feel right now," I simply replied, carelessly tossing my underwear onto the towel, only to toss my socks too. He watched me curiously, I let him do it.

Oddly enough, I found his presence very pleasant.

"You look familiar, Shiraishi-san," his sudden confession sent goosebumps down my spine, I swallowed.

Did he notice it too?

"You too," I finally murmured, "Even though I can't quite put my finger on it yet." He nodded his agreement before leaning against the windowsill while I picked up my packing again.

"Chishiya-san?" he grumbled, and I looked at him, "May I ask you a question?" "You just did that" he countered, and I gave him a "what-the-fuck" look, he just grinned, "Okay, ask your second question."

He loved teasing me, didn't he? I rolled my eyes before flopping onto the mattress and meeting his eyes. "I was talking to another doctor before my... tragedy, his name was Chishiya too. Do you know him?" I asked and he stiffened for a moment, his grin vanished for a second.

He took his time answering while considering whether I was really worth it, but finally he folded his arms. "He's my father," he finally said, and my eyes widened for a moment, he seemed to like the way I reacted. "Wow... I was thinking something like that, but it still sounds kind of... weird?" It sounded more like a question. He seemed amused that I didn't quite know what to do with the information.

"He's an asshole," he added afterwards, "He's my biological father, that's all. He failed as a parent."

Okay... Should this be deep talk now?

"Mmh," our eyes met again, "You didn't have it easy." He seemed surprised that I had made that statement. "Let me guess. Your father is a big shot at this hospital. His position was never fixed until... your mother came along, am I right?" I asked, "Oh... damn, I hope that I haven't offended you right now!"

He laughed. "I'm impressed, Shiraishi-san. You're close to the truth. May I ask how you came to that thought?" I leaned back a bit. "Your behavior," I said, "I can't really describe it, it's just a feeling."

He nodded thoughtfully before pushing himself off the windowsill. "You are more interesting than I first thought," he grinned at me, "I hope to run into you again."

Then he raised his hand, waved at me, and then disappeared through the door out of the room. I looked after him perplexed.

Somehow, he wasn't wrong, I also felt the need to see him again.


The way out of the hospital was an adventure. As I made my way to reception to collect the documents for my release, I ran into some people who were rushing through the corridors.

Again and again, I had to dodge to avoid being knocked over. When I finally got to the elevator, I had to wipe beads of sweat from my forehead before I pushed the button and waited for the cabin to take me down.

I didn't notice the person next to me until I tilted my head a little. It was a young woman who looked at me with interest.

She looked familiar to me too.

"Do you need something from me?" I wanted to know when she was eyeing me. She shrugged her shoulders. "Ya' just seem strangely familiar, that's all," she said and at first, I was a little surprised that she was using this rude tone. But the next moment I didn't care either because the elevator arrived, we stepped into the elevator together.

"So? Why are you here?" she asked me as the doors closed. I wondered if I should really tell a stranger what had happened to me. "An unplanned mishap," I finally said, "You?" She laughed softly. "Well, I'm here because that spinach quail wanted to give me physical therapy once again," she replied, and I raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. "Spinach quail? What's that supposed to be?" I asked and she grinned. "You'd like to know that, wouldn't you? My name is Heiya Akane, by the way," she leaned against the elevator wall, and I noticed her prosthetic leg. "Shiraishi Neiru," I introduced myself, then we fell into a comfortable silence. The young woman hummed to herself from time to time, I thought I recognized the melody of "All my little ducklings".

We reached the ground floor and got out together, she grinned at me again. "See you Shi-chan!" she yelled before jogging off towards the entrance. I looked after her.

What a strange encounter...

My cell phone beeped, and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from my mom.

I don't know what to think about it

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I don't know what to think about it.

As I stood in line, I thought for a bit. A lot had happened in the last few weeks and months. Since the catastrophe that took place in Tokyo, somehow everything was different. I had these crazy dreams, people seemed familiar to me even though I had never seen them... what was to come?

"How can I help you?", the lady at the reception gave me a friendly look. "Nohara Neiru, I'm supposed to pick up my discharge papers and sick leave here", my 'real' last name sounded funny on my tongue, but I bit through it. She smiled at me as she printed the items and left them for me.

"I wish you a speedy recovery," she said in parting, and I bowed my head. "Thank you very much, I wish you a nice evening."

With those words I made my way to the exit, Mom had told me that the unknown driver would be waiting for me in front of the building. I looked around when I was finally back outside.

"Shiraishi!" a voice made me turn my head and I stared at... a Porsche? Was I in the wrong movie? "Niragi?" I asked as the guy in sunglasses got out and grinned nonchalantly. "The boss said I should drive his cousin home," he opened the passenger door for me, "Get in the car, officer!"

I couldn't shut my mouth again. Was that really the vice commander of the red team? Why him? Somehow, I didn't really like him that much, he was...


Why did this word come to my mind? He hadn't done anything... He was just a big macho?! I shook myself slightly before approaching him and accepting the invitation. I took a deep breath as I dropped into the plushy seat.

"Get ready for a fast ride!" He grinned at me and adjusted his sunglasses, "It's going to be awesome."

Yeah... please remind me to never drive with Niragi again.

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