It's not your fault

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In the end I couldn't make up my mind. I kept telling myself that the decision wasn't due until the moment actually came, but I still felt bad about it.

Chishiya had noticed that something wasn't right when we walked to our rooms together in the evening, but he hadn't asked me about it. I was grateful that he hadn't, even though I wanted to tell him about it. However, I didn't know exactly how to put it, so I guess it would have been very difficult for me.

"See you tomorrow," he said to me as we stopped in front of our doors. I nodded to him, then we entered rooms 509 and 510 synchronously. I exhaled as I closed the door behind me and let everything that had happened to me in the last few hours sink in for a brief moment.

It's a miracle that I hadn't given up yet.

The whole situation was enormously stressful for me because I felt like I wasn't allowed to rest. I was tired, exhausted... how much longer was this going to go on? I shuffled into the bathroom, where I splashed cold water on my face. However, the effect I was hoping for did not occur. I was still dog tired.

Yawning, I trotted over to my bed and flopped onto the pillows. I slipped off my belt and left it on the left side of my bed. I tucked the sharp pocketknife under the pillow as I did every night.

Then I closed my eyes.



I was wide awake instantly. What was that noise? I sat up slowly, trying to see something in the darkness. But you couldn't see anything. It was pitch dark...


"Who's there?" My voice echoed through the room, but I didn't get an answer. What was I expecting? My senses were probably playing tricks on me again.

Nevertheless, the oppressive feeling didn't let me go, so I reached towards the bedside table and switched on the lamp.

What I saw made me scream. However, a hand immediately covered my mouth so that only a faint noise could be heard.

What the hell was he doing here?

I wiggled out of the grip and immediately put two meters between us, even as I slid down the left side of my bed.

"What the fuck, Niragi," I snapped, "don't you have anything better to do than ambush me in the middle of the night?"

He didn't answer and I felt an uneasy feeling spread in my stomach. What was he up to? Why couldn't I let go of the thought that things were about to get really uncomfortable?

I slipped my hand under the pillow and grabbed my knife. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to kill him right away... I just wanted to make sure I wasn't caught off guard.

"Niragi!" I exclaimed, "What's this about?" His gaze changed and I struggled to my feet.

"You gotta shut up," he stared at me, "do you know how embarrassing it is to get trashed by someone like you, girly?"

I snorted indignantly. "Excuse me?", my voice sounded irritated, "You begged for it after the thing you pulled through! I was in the damn right to give it back to you!"

"Huh," he almost spat out the word, "Shiraishi Neiru." Goosebumps formed on the back of my neck as I saw him start circling the bed. Damn, what should I do now? Fight? I wouldn't win against him again...

"I saw it from the start... that you were in a different league than other women your age. Your skills...your looks, your strength, it turned me on so much. I always imagined what it would be like to fuck you- so hard that you can't walk the next day. But then," he stuck out his tongue so I could see his piercing, "then you were so strong suddenly that I couldn't control the future anymore. Nei-chan, if you had stayed in the background, we could have had so much fun together!"

I shuddered as I fled across the bed. Niragi was too close to me. However, I had not considered that he was significantly faster than me, the mattress slowed me down.

His hand grabbed mine and the next moment we slammed into the wall that was separating the bathroom and bedroom. I was short of breath, and he cursed. Then I pulled the blade over his arm, and he let go of me, yelping, while I ran towards the door.

A miserable try that was in vain again.

He grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back. I turned and was thrown against the closet. It crashed and I fell to the ground. However, I ducked down immediately because the man who had gone mad wanted to throw himself back at me. Instead, he slammed face first into my closet door.

"I- I didn't do anything to you!" I shouted again, "Yes, I've risen in rank. So what? I told you and showed you from the start that I didn't want anything from you, Niragi."

"I don't give a shit!" He grabbed my foot, which I quickly pulled away. It only seemed to anger him more because his eyes went cold. "I always get what I want," his hand gripped my neck, and I gasped in shock.

I didn't see that coming...

"I'll get them all, young, old... If I want them, they take me", he grinned fanatically, "And I want you too."

His hand squeezed harder, and I saw stars. No... he had me pinned down, I couldn't get out of his grip. My knife was too far away, I didn't stand a chance.

He fiddled with my clothes with his other hand, his hand disappearing into my shorts, touching between my legs...

A sour taste spread on my tongue, I wanted to pull away, but now he also fixed my upper body with his legs. I couldn't scream for myself; it was driving me to despair.

The noises he made were disgusting. The tongue running down my throat made me choke.

I didn't want that; he should leave me alone!

Was it my fault? Should I have just turned down the position? Then none of this would have happened, I wouldn't be in this horrible situation...

"Ah, Nei-chan~", Niragi leaned right into my face, "You taste delicious!"


Let go, I don't want this, don't touch me!

My vision was limited, dark spots appeared, which slowly spread. It wasn't long before I was unconscious...

At the same moment the grip on my neck loosened, I gasped for air, then the weight on my hip was gone.

Niragi had been pulled away from me, Chishiya was standing by the closet, glaring down at him as he straightened up. But it wasn't just him who was here, no, Aguni was also standing in my room.

"Niragi," Chishiya spoke first, "You know there are people who want to sleep at this time." It hurt a little when he spoke those words, although I knew they meant no harm.

"Chishiyaa~", he looked at the man with sparkling eyes, "Why do you always have to spoil my fun?" Aguni emerged from the shadows. "Niragi," his voice was deep, "Come with me, you have no business being here at this time."

In fact, Niragi left the room. He looked at me again, grinned fanatically and then disappeared into the darkness of the room.

My cousin turned to me. "You have to stop provoking him, Neiru. None of this would have happened if you hadn't been so arrogant with him," my eyes widened as he said this, "And don't wear revealing clothes in the future so that he keeps his hands to himself."

He didn't just say that...

"Wha-" my voice trembled and Aguni looked at me again, but I couldn't see any emotion in his eyes. Where were the happy eyes all of a sudden?

Then he also left the room, I was left alone with Shuntaro. We looked at each other, I swallowed hard. "Tell me that didn't just happen," I whispered softly, and he looked around, raising an eyebrow.

"Just so you know, Neiru: it's not your fault."

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