Breakdowns, misfortunes and mishaps

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I had hesitated too long.

My only escape route was now blocked, they were already on the stairs. I was screwed. If it was really this person I suspected, I was so screwed! This time it would certainly not remain only with glances....

"Eyyy! Niragi! There's a sign here!", a female voice resounded through the stairwell. "I can see that myself," the nonchalant voice replied, and I was now 110 percent sure: it was the black-haired young man from my game of spades.

I was definitely screwed if he spotted me now.

Instinctively, I took a step backwards and looked around. Where was the best place for me to go? Did I have a way out after all?

The footsteps came closer and I immediately took to my heels. My path finally led me to the training room where it had happened, where it had all started.

"Heyyy, it really is a treasure trove!" his maniacal laughter echoed through the empty hallways, making it even louder. I shook myself to suppress the goosebumps that threatened to form again.

What now? Without question they would explore this building, there was a great chance they would find me here. My gaze lingered on the window, which was covered with curtains.

Was this perhaps the chance I was looking for?

As quietly as possible I crept through the room. I was very careful not to step on any of the mats that were scattered on the floor. Any noise could betray my presence.

"There are weapons here!" a new male voice called down the hall, and I was annoyed at that moment that I hadn't taken the keys after all. "Very good! Take them, all of them!", Niragi answered with a short delay while I used the conversation to draw the curtains. The sound thus merged with the voices and I didn't stand out when I finally managed to open the window.

I had to swallow as I looked out. It wasn't really high, but one slip could still break all my bones if I wasn't careful. I checked to make sure I had all my things with me before climbing onto the windowsill. If I could get a grip on the gutter, the walk wasn't too hard anymore.

"Hey!" a new, female voice made me freeze and I turned my head towards the room. There was now a person standing there looking at me with hostility. "Fuck," the word slipped from my lips and at the same moment she pulled out a gun.


I hadn't planned to throw myself out of the window. Nor had it been planned for me to catch myself on a window ledge a floor below and then hang over the street. "Heyyy! What's going on?", the young man now seemed to be in the room as well, where I had been a moment ago....

Please don't look out the window!

My arms cracked dangerously. They protested having to bear so much weight all at once. One thing was clear, I couldn't hold on much longer. The gutter plan was now 'out of reach', so what now? My eyes scanned my options while I heard a slight commotion in the room above me.

I discovered a new possibility at the same time. It was risky, but not impossible. If I pushed off the wall with enough momentum, I could land about ten feet below me on a small canopy that was over a side entrance.

"What do we have here?", I pressed my lips together as I heard the voice above me clearly. It had been so clear that I was out of luck. No, I wouldn't even dare look up. Who knows what would happen if I did....

"Aren't you the shooter from the 4 of spades game?" he had recognized me, my warning level going up a notch. It was never a good thing to be remembered by guys like him. I tried to put my feet up against the smooth wall in preparation for my jump. He seemed to be watching me curiously. He was probably curious to see what I would do next.

The first attempt went in the pants, my feet slipped and I bounced my body against the wall. My mouth opened and I cursed softly before trying again.

The second attempt worked. I pushed off with momentum and flew for a brief moment before reaching the canopy. The last step would be a cinch, I just had to climb, then-.


A bullet struck just beside me. It had been deliberately missed, serving purely as a provocation. I knew exactly who had fired it. For the first time I looked up at him, he grinned derisively as he shouldered his rifle. I looked him straight in the eye, which only seemed to amuse him more. Casually, he leaned out the window.

"I like you," he said as he rolled his tongue teasingly, "I bet you taste fantastic in bed..."

I looked at him in disgust. He hadn't really just said that, had he? He seemed amused by the way I reacted. But then his smile died; in fact, it was as if he seemed serious.

"You've piqued my interest, Nei-chan," he seemed to be practically staring into my eyes, "You should know that once I spot my prey, I don't let go..."

Okay, that was creepy. What did he mean by that? Did it mean that he was a stalker?

My gut told me that now was the time to leave this place. I didn't like the look on his face or the words he was saying. I didn't want to see him any longer, I wanted to step out of his sight. Without effort, I climbed down the canopy and slid to the ground while adjusting my backpack. He continued to watch me, I could practically feel his gaze.

One last time, I looked up at him. "I'd work on your shooting technique if I were you," slipped out of my mouth and an angry glint appeared in his eyes.

Yep, that was my sign to leave for good and never step under his eyes again. I took off running, leaving my university behind as fast as I could. I didn't want to take any chances of being followed, so I took a few detours, finally picking up drinks and snacks at a supermarket.

It felt criminal to leave the store without paying. But money was unimportant here, it simply had no value.

I looked up at the sky as I walked the streets back to my apartment. The blush was coming back, a riot of color was forming. In a few hours, the games would begin again. Numerous people would die tonight as well.

They would never see the sunrise again.

I should really get into the habit of enjoying the smallest things. Who knows, all it took was breakdowns, misfortunes and mishaps to lose one's life.

Yes, when I thought about it, my life was already hanging by a thread. And that thread was in the hands of others.

I hated it.

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