A game with the leadership

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"Heyy... Quick question, are you two fighting?" I got a little startled when Kuina stood next to me suddenly. I didn't even hear her coming because it was way too loud in the foyer.

I would soon throw myself into the lion's den again...

"Fight?" I turned slightly to her so we could talk better, "What do you mean?" She raised her eyebrows a little: "You and Chishi!" "Chishi? I have to remember that! Why do you ask?" "Now you have to explain to me why you didn't say 'no', Neiru." "Why should I say 'no' when I don't even know what you're talking about, Kuina?"

It had been a good twenty-four hours since Chishiya and I last spoke. I deliberately avoided him, still ashamed of the realization I'd made.

I was in love with an emotionless guy.

Spoilers: a heartbreak was inevitable, so I didn't even want to start trying. It was the right decision, wasn't it? Right?!

I had no idea about my thoughts, what I was feeling... but now I didn't have time to think about it. First, I had to deal with the situation that awaited me: a game with Niragi (practically suicide) and Aguni (he may be my cousin, but hey, he'd probably still kill me if I got in the way).

"Chishiya is so weird", Kuina leaned down a bit to me, "And you don't talk to each other anymore either. Have you forgotten that I had to play the role as your personal messenger again and again the last few days? Do me a favor and don't drag me into your little games. It's getting tiring when I always have to look for one of you."

It was clear that Kuina could put one and one together, I hadn't expected anything else. Only this time I would have preferred it if she hadn't noticed.

"I'm fine," I told her, and she gave me the "are you kidding me" look. "Only a phase", I therefore pushed behind and was pushed forward by the crowd at the same time. Kuina lost sight of me, which is why I was protected from curious questions for now. But not for long... I would have to explain it to her by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Who knows, maybe she could help me sort it out...

"Shiraishi!" a voice drew my attention to the other side of the foyer, and I saw Mira waving enthusiastically. What did she suddenly want from me?

I slowly made my way towards her and as I made it to her side, I was breathing heavily. She smiled her (creepy) smile and gestured for me to follow her.

Our way led us to the parking lot.

It slowly dawned on me. Oh no...

"We're here!", the woman next to me waved happily at the three men who were looking at us at the same moment.

Wait a minute... three men?

Niragi... Aguni... oh no. Why was this happening? Why did Chishiya come too? And what about Mira? She wouldn't be accompanying us...

"What a beautiful team, don't you think?" She tapped the car lightly, "It'll be fun!" I couldn't agree with her at all. Why? Why did only executive members come along? What was this all about? I thought I only had to play with the two military members... but two more people? And then also players who were already damn good?

My hands started shaking and I got into the vehicle without a word. Luckily for me, I got a seat in the back seat, but my brief satisfaction was quickly destroyed. Because who sat right next to me in the middle seat? Exactly: Chishiya. I had sworn to myself not to exchange a word with him for the time being...

Niragi took the driver's seat, Morizono took the passenger seat, and Mira squeezed into the back too. As a result, the young man next to me was pressed against me. Immediately, my heartrate fastened. My pulse quickened and my face flushed unintentionally.

Hope Always Dies Last | Chishiya [English]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon