The claws of the tigers

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I could begin to imagine what Chishiya meant. I knew now why Kuina had reacted like that.

Tigers... They were very powerful predators. Maybe it was just a metaphor, a warning about the claws which this species possessed.

When I got my lunch the next day, I felt those eyes on me, eyes I didn't want to feel. They peered from every corner, seeming to follow every move I made.

I was already targeted, probably by those tigers that Chishiya had already spoken about.

Who were they? What were they up to? Why me? These questions have plagued me since the moment he warned me.

What should I do now? Should I do nothing, wait for something to happen? Or was it better if I showed up as little as possible? With a sigh I flopped down at one of the tables in the hotel restaurant and looked at the tray filled with food.

How long had it been since I had a warm meal? I didn't know, yes, I didn't even know how long I had been here! Time didn't seem to matter here; it was just a by-product of life.

Just like life was a by-product of death.

My gaze shifted to the person seated across from me. It was Nanami. I smiled slightly as she eyed me again. I noticed how her gaze disappeared behind me from time to time. Apparently, she seemed to be making eye contact with someone else.

"What's going on?" I finally wanted to know, and she just smiled. "I'm fine," she brushed a strand of hair out of her face, "Really." I didn't believe her one bit, but if I probed it would only end in unnecessary arguments. And if there was one thing I didn't need, it was enemies. In this country, enemies were the worst thing you could have.

Nanami sat back and watched me choke down my food. Yes... It really was like forcing the food into my body. The atmosphere had suddenly spoiled my appetite.

Her eyes too suddenly seemed to weigh heavily on me.

"Nanami?", she now looked into my eyes, "What's going on here?" She braced herself with her elbows on the table and suddenly I had the feeling that I was being targeted by a predator.


She was one of those tigers! I didn't know any other explanation... "What do you think is going on here?", her voice had left a stale aftertaste on my tongue, and I was now one hundred percent sure that she knew more.

"You're one of them..." I mumbled under my breath, and she stiffened briefly before clearing her throat. My thesis had hit a sore spot, I could now be sure that she really belonged to them.

"We should end this conversation now," my friend stood up and I watched as she looked around uneasily. That didn't suit her at all... otherwise she was always calm! What seemed to upset her so much now?

My gaze slid to her hip as a reflection of light caught my eye. What I saw there made me uneasy, suddenly I wanted to forget what I saw.

A weapon.

A weapon in a utopia that had banned all means of war equipment... Was that even legal? Why was she walking around so openly with a gun? I- I didn't understand the world anymore.

Unfortunately, I missed the chance to ask her about it because she disappeared from one moment to the next. I looked after her in confusion, watching some of the members step out of her way as she made her way to the exit.

And then I realized.

Suddenly I felt like I could see where the staring eyes were coming from. They were there, everywhere, scattered, alone or in groups.

They all carried guns.

They stood taller than regular beach members. They were more dangerous, so they seemed to embody a predator. Chishiya had used a metaphor to warn me about the people with guns. They were after me, I couldn't tell if it were good or bad intentions.

But since they had a gun, apparently with permission, I could tell that falling into their claws could end badly for me.

And apparently, I was about to do this...

Now that my appetite was completely gone, I pushed the tray away from me and leaned back slightly. I was in deep shit now, my problems only seemed to get worse... What did I do now? I couldn't run away anymore; it was too late for that.

My jaw cracked slightly as I ground my teeth uneasily. Finally, I decided to leave this room for now. The looks were driving me insane.

I put my tray away and then strutted down the halls to my room. Again and again, I had to avoid couples who were making out with each other everywhere. But my disgust did not set in, in fact I hardly noticed it. It was the fear that spread in my stomach area and clouded my thoughts a little. I kept catching myself picking up speed. The way to my room suddenly seemed so long... I could hardly wait to finally hide in my little kingdom...

Also, I had to somehow see that I met Kuina or Chishiya. They knew more, I wanted information. Whether I had to fight for it, I couldn't wriggle out of this without knowledge. But what was the best way to find them? Chishiya was in the executive, he must have had his room in some luxury wing. So, it was easier to find him.

I briefly considered what made more sense now. Should I go to my room first? Or was the visit to Chishiya now necessary?

I finally decided on the latter.

In my movement, I turned and headed the other way to the elevator. My footsteps echoed and goosebumps ran down my skin. I shuddered... This world made me even more paranoid than I already was.

However, what I didn't know at the time was that I wouldn't be able to reach the blond man today.

Just as I pushed the elevator button, I heard a rustle behind me. I turned around quickly, but...

... it was too late.

A fist came at me, then I saw stars and finally-

The darkness came and it was quiet again.

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