'Dumb Ways To Die' for beginners

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A/N: Chishiya's text will be in italics in this chapter! And: The chapter is a little longer, so don't be surprised :)

TW: Manipulation, exploitation, blood, graphic scenes!


I reluctantly put this earplug in my ear. For a moment, I thought it was merging with my ear, but I quickly dismissed that thought. They wouldn't, would they?

To make sure, I tried taking the earbud off again. But - it didn't work. It was rock solid... yeah, it melted together with my ear.

Do you hear me Shiraishi?

His voice penetrated my consciousness, and I cleared my throat. "Yes," my answer was short because I was still sulking that he immediately threw me into the lions' den. I wasn't expecting anything else, but it was uncomfortable, nonetheless.

Player 2: please go to the park now!

I saw the other players start moving, so I followed them.

Try to keep yourself a little apart from them.

If this went on for the next forty minutes, I would end up strangling him myself!

"All right, Mr. I-know-everything-better."

Leaves crackled under my shoes as I found a suitable starting position. Meanwhile, I pondered why it might have been a hearts game. I hadn't played a hearts game yet, but Heiya had warned me about them.

Heart games played with the emotions of others... I had to be careful because I didn't know if reality and unreality could combine themselves. It was easy to manipulate other people's feelings.

The players stand on the starting positions!

The game starts in




The game starts now!

"What should I do, Chishiya?"

I didn't get an answer, so I just started walking. It was never good to stand in one spot for too long, so I felt the urge to leave the spot immediately.


I hissed in annoyance but followed his instructions. "What is it?" I asked irritably while looking around.

You almost walked into a booby trap. If you'd landed your foot an inch to the right, you'd be a pile of rags now.

My eyes fell on my right foot. Lo and behold I actually saw something lying on the ground that was flashing red. Well, I guess I couldn't walk around here without Chishiya.

"What else do you see?"

I heard a rustle before he spoke again.


"You do know I don't have a map in my mind, right? So... a more precise definition would be a big plus," I murmured, and I caught a faint smirk.

I can see the location of all players. In addition, I also see where the exits are located and where dangers lurk.

I thought about it for a moment before checking my surroundings. "Then why is it a hearts game? It sounds more like a clubs game to me because you must work as a team..." I said as he directed me to walk straight.

Mmmh, are you sure?

It sounded like a provocation that sent goosebumps down my spine. I rolled my eyes. Chishiya really just couldn't resist.

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