The race against time

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"What was your name again? Nohara?" He approached me while I tried not to grimace. How I hated it...

"My name is Shiraishi," I replied while starting to move again. It would only cost me time if I continued the discussion here. My body wouldn't be able to hold out that long, the cold was already eating deep into my skin.

In fact, the guy kept his mouth shut, apparently, he now also felt the cold that threatened to paralyze him. I walked slowly, keeping my eyes peeled. A red number caught my eye, but I wasn't interested. I realized that only the blue numbers meant something to me.

On a door frame I discovered a new number. It was the number 15.

I made a note of it and kept walking; my hands were now numb. My body temperature was probably already a degree lower than it should be.

I found the number 201 on a bulletin board. But when I looked closer, I saw that it was the numbers 20 and 1. They were to be considered separately.

Daishoo cursed behind me, and I turned around briefly. He held his hand and tried to warm it by rubbing it but couldn't. He seemed a little overwhelmed, it was as if he hadn't understood the point. In fact, he started moving again before passing me and rushing around the corner first. A little later I heard a loud "FUCK!", which confirmed to me that the numbers were all the more important.

I also found the numbers 2, 12 and 3.

Daishoo, meanwhile, had stormed past me again and was complaining loudly about the cold, which distracted me even more.

I felt my body slowing down, it was really cold. But now I couldn't give up, I had to get out of this hallway again. Freezing to death wasn't on my list, and to be honest, I didn't really want to try it either.

I reached the corner. As I passed it, I could see why the guy was swearing like that: there were two doors at the end of the hallway. One glowed blue, the other red. It had a display attached to it. I was about to walk towards it when something blue caught my eye again. It was two more numbers. The numbers 19 and 5.

As I shuffled towards the door (walking was out of thequestion, I could barely feel my feet), I thought about the numbers I'd found.









Was it a numeric code? I reached the door and took a closer look at the display. However, my plan to enter the numbers failed the moment I saw that you could only enter letters.


I noticed how foggy my thoughts were. Numbers, letters... How should that work?

What if each number was a letter? If you gave each letter a number, you might be able to figure it out...









The code would be... OTABLCSE. I entered it into the display, but a red cross appeared.

The input was incorrect! Remaining attempts: 2

Hell, I should have known the letters hadn't been sorted. It was an anagram. Damn it, I just wasn't in the best shape to solve this one!

Daishoo joined the red door and entered a code too, which was also wrong. We looked at each other briefly, I realized that his lips were already turning blue. I had to look similar.

OTABLCSE... 9 letters... If I had would be the Game Master, I would have adapted the word to the situation to make it solvable.

TA OL SB CE... No... OS TA CL BE... No... Wait... OB ST AC LE... Obstacle! That was the word!

I typed it into the display, a green icon appeared.

The input was correct!

The door opened and hot air hit me. Well actually it was air that had the normal room temperature but, in my case, it was just a blessing.

I looked back into the room, Daishoo was watching me longingly.

I now had two options: either I closed the door and he had to figure out his password himself, or I left it open in case he shouldn't be able to.

What was better?

I chose the second option. So, I silently walked away from the door until I got to the glass door that took me back to the red hallway.

I knew why this task had been spade-oriented. You had to act under great physical stress. Not everyone would have managed to solve the riddle in the time that was given by your own body. Not all of them were up to the race against time, it had also been a close case for me. It would take forever before I could feel my hands and fingers again.

"Nohara?" I looked up to see Hiyori walking towards me. She didn't seem particularly thrilled to meet me.

"Hiyori," I replied, "You're already here." I didn't respond to her using my 'legal' last name as I didn't have the strength to answer her questions. Instead, I tried to keep up with her. She didn't even bother to slow down for me, who was frozen half dead.

We passed all the corridors in silence, had to climb the stairs, and take the elevator down. Now and then we had to overcome slight obstacles, but that wasn't a problem if you were working as a team.

"Tell me, you and Niragi, what kind of relationship do you have?" The question surprised me a little and my eyes widened almost imperceptibly. "Relationship?" I wanted to know, "What do you mean by that?" She looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Can I fuck him without you going for my throat?" she asked, and I had to hold back a laugh. Damn, her language fitted her character perfectly. "You're welcome," I replied, "We're not exactly the best of friends." "Huh?" She opened a door and let me go through first. I had to dodge a net that suddenly fell from the ceiling. "He's already done a lot, not only to me but to others too," I said, "everything from killing to raping." Her mouth fell open while I grinned briefly. She then remained silent, and we walked on. At least now I had the feeling that she wasn't that dangerous anymore. Apparently, it had been jealousy after all.

Somehow, I already felt sorry for Niragi.

"A stop sign!" Her voice made me look ahead. There was the said sign, it was hard to miss. "The blue way," I murmured, "The way out..." I looked at her, she seemed to understand what I meant. "Me?" she replied, and I nodded slightly. "It sounds a lot like heart work. One of us must stay on the trail, so I won't be able to come with you," I said, and she clenched her fists before nodding.

"Okay," she then said, her conceited tone returning, "See you in the end, loser!" She waved at me before disappearing behind the glass door.

I looked after her, shaking my head, and then started walking again. I heard voices in the background and was sure it was the Queen of Diamonds' team. Since I didn't want to get in touch with strangers, I stepped up my gear and disappeared around the corner.

According to the map, the finish was now not far away, we had almost made it. If we got out of here alive, I'd get a few hours of sleep first.

It was almost over...

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