''FUCKING MOVE BACK BEFORE I SHOOT YOU ''  all of them froze on their places .

She then turn her head back at the older women .

She then pushed that gun in hyo joo mouth while grabbing her hair harshly .

'' you know I did it with his wife or should I say  my biological mother too so I wont mind doing it with my step mother too .'' Enya dangerously whisper but in the silence of the house everyone one heard those words crystal clear .

'' m-my wife ? '' the old kim said
And everyone took a step back feeling
afraid of her .

At this moment all of the kim brothers have arrived along with justin who was much confused about things happening around him now a days .

'' you ? Mother kill ? '' jungkook stutter unable to even form a proper sentence .

'' hold on whats happening ?'' Justin  cluelessly said .

'' You killed our mother ?'' Taehyung said while looking at enya with a new emotion she have never seen in his eyes for her . thats is disgust ?

'' Hoe can you fucking do that ?'' Jimin shouted .

It would be a lie is enya said all those stares and words didnt hurt her but right now she have much more important things to do which made her furious even more .

She shot on hyo joe's left side right beside her ear making her eyes go wide .
'' You speaking or should I try my ways ?''
The dangerous voice made everyone shiver .

Coming out his frozen and confused state justin  ran towards his mother and sister . '' Noona  what are you doing ? You are doubling mom ? The one who practically raised us ? '' A fresh layer of tears can be seen on the younger boys face .

'' She is a traitor '' Enya didnt even  break the eye contact with her mo- the traitor .

'' Justin stop your sister she is being misguide , I -I raised you both , I am your m-mother honey . '' Hyo jo said after finally able to stabilizer herself of the impact she faced when colliding with  the floor .

Justin looked at his mother with a innocent face , his mother cannot lie . she can never betray them . she loves them a lot . She is their savior . But his sister cannot lie either . At this moment the youngest boy was confused who to believe . while the others are simply not know what to say in between when they dont even know the full story .

'' I SAID STEP ASIDE KIM JUSTIN '' Enya losses her cool in front of justin . He became scared of her even more .
Feeling scared justine automatically took a few step aside .

'' AND YOU FUCKING BITCH OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH OR READY TO DIE RIGHT HERE '' Enya shouted feeling raged while she shoot her leg .
Hyo jo screamed in pain clutching her leg tightly while the other covered their mouth in horror .

Running out of patience enya was about to shoot again when Hyo jo put her hands up and said '' i -I will s-speak please s-spare my l-life ''

'' when I found you both I didnt know you guys were her kids . I helped you on my own but I dont know how she gets to know this that you guys are with me when we had no contact for years . she suddenly showed up and ordered me to keep you guys with me till she say anything . I swear although she ordered me but the care, the feeling all of them were not fake . I cared for you truly , you guys are like my own kids , I am sorry I was forced . '' Hyo jo said while sitting now after justin  gave her first aid .

It was true she was ordered but she genuinely cares for the twins . She never did try to harm the kids .

Hearing all this hurted Enya a lot . Yes she gets hurt , she dont know after how long she gets to experience these feeling but it sure hurts .
All these years although she never showed she care but if you look closely you will see how Enya cares for Hyo jo because she is the only motherly figure she had till now . But she got betrayed , she got lied again and that's what eating her . She was living with a lier all these years yet she didn't knew .

At this point she started to think she is always un lucky to have such females as her mother figure .

While Justin was hurt really hurt . Unlike his sister he cared for his mother a lot . She was their savior .He do loves her a lot but he also got betrayed . He looks down to hide hos tears .

The older kim is another case , he have no idea how his late wife is connected to all this . And how his present is connected .

While the kim boys are having mixed feelings . Anger , hurt but most prominent one is confused and scared .
While things are getting a little clear for the two older brother who are much scared to accept .

'' How is my late wife connected to all this ? '' The older kim said .

''And most importantly how the fuck  you have a freaking gun in your hand .? ''

Enya looked at justin  who look shit scared of telling them about themself, scared if all of them will hate him and his sister but closed his eyes when enya started to speak .

Tbc 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️
I know after really long but I think I will end this story in around 10-12 chapters I guess .
Do vote and happy reading .

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