But is it worth it?

"Y/N, it's up to you," I feel my voice dropping at the seriousness of the situation. "You know your skills best. If you think it's worth it, do it."

I don't hear a response from her so I assume she's focusing on the parkour. The tunnels shift and suddenly open up to a large area.

Up ahead is the gold vault with sand placed around its pillars. Several blazes also roam around, spewing fire at me.

"Timer is full once again!" Karl calls out.

"Oi Dream!" Tommy yells. "I found the blue vault!"

"Okay um," I kill the last blaze and quickly rush around to collect the sand. "Karl get the blue key from spawn and give it to Tommy."

"Dream I did it!" Y/N yells. "I got the gold key!"

"Yes let's go!" I lift my hands off my keyboard to clap for her as my teammates join in. "And you know the best part? I found the gold vault!"

"Guys we're running out of time!" Karl warns. "Here Tommy take this."

"Wait Karl how much time is left?" I ask, beginning to hurry back but making sure to mark the pathway to the gold vault.

"Uhhhh 140 seconds," Karl answers.

"Okay, okay," I mutter to myself. "Y/N can you head back to the middle?"

"Sure, I'll give you the key," she says, her breathing sounding slightly faster than usual.

"No, you run down the tunnel to the gold vault," I reach the main spawn area and scan the surrounding tunnels for a player outline.

One of them is pretty far out and seems to be moving away from us which I only guess is Tommy. I hand my collection of sand to Karl who runs to fill up the timer.

"Y/N!" I jump up and down as she runs toward me, swimming through the water and making it to the center island. "Head through the tunnel on the right, I marked all the pathways."

She nods and hurries off as Karl finishes filling up the timer.

"Tommy you almost there?" I ask hearing no response from him.

"I got it!" he yells excitedly.

My heart jumps as I watch the announcement in chat.

Red Rabbits opened a vault!

Our team coins shoot up hitting just over 4,200.

"Let's go!" Karl cheers. He jumps up and down and punches my character. "We're gonna win this!"

"Yeah!" I copy his movement, jumping up and down happily.

Tommy appears from his tunnel and places a few blocks of sand on the timer.

"Y/N how close are you?" I watch as the sand begins to drop rapidly as the timer ticks again.

"Just go," she yells, slightly out of breath. "I might not make it back in time. Just bank the coins we have!"

I glance at Karl and Tommy before the three of us run toward the portal.

Just as we reach our starting point, the announcement shows in the chat once more.

Red Rabbits opened a vault!

Our team coins skyrocket to 5,489.

Holy shit.

"Y/N 50 seconds!" I warn.

"Just go!" she yells back.

Karl looks at me and back at the portal before slowly backing into it with Tommy right behind.

I watch as the Banked Team Coins shoot up to 2,356.

Shit Y/N and I have more than half our team's coins!

"Y/N hurry!" I spot her character's outline steadily making its way toward the spawn area.

The timer lets out another warning tick as it drops under ten seconds.


At last, she appears, sprinting toward me. The sand seems to drop even faster and I quickly back toward the portal, watching as Y/N reaches the base of the timer and places two blocks of sand just as the final bit of it trickles away.

"Holy shit!" I breathe a sigh of relief and back into the portal, banking my coins as Y/N follows only a second later.

We're transported to the lobby where the game over screen flashes.

"We were the last team out!" Karl cheers.

"Oh my god Y/N, that was so clutch," I lean back in my chair, taking a long sip of my water. The cool liquid flows down my throat and I wipe away the sweat from my forehead. "I didn't think you were going to make it."

"My heart is pounding," she whispers.

I watch as the scores are calculated.

"Come on," I cross my fingers under my desk, hoping to see us at least in second.

1. Yellow Yaks 22,356
2. Red Rabbits 21,638
3. Aqua Axolotls 21,489
4. Orange Ocelots 19,539
5. Lime Llamas 18,204
6. Blue Bats 18,178
7. Pink Parrots 17,692
8. Cyan Creepers 17,293
9. Green Guardians 16,268
10. Purple Pandas 8,738

"Not even a 200 coin difference?!" I read the teams' stats before realizing how close it could have been. "That's crazy!"

"So who are we facing in dodgebolt?" Tommy asks. I open the player list to check the players in the Yellow Yaks.

"Punz, Seapeekay, GoodTimesWithScar, and Solidarity. Gonna be a tough match."

"Come on let's do this!" Karl's energy never fails to make me smile. "We can win the tournament!"

"Win it all," I swear hear Y/N whisper.


1,523 words

I haven't watched MCC in so long so writing this was so hard :(

I honestly lost all motivation to watch once Dream stopped streaming :/

1 more chapter for dodgebolt I promise 😊

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒔 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now