CHAPTER 12| Graffiting

Start from the beginning


I'd never imagine this.

Sneaking out with my youngest sister and going to graffiti all over my friend's house cause she got me grounded for a month.

I do crazy things, mental things, but I cannot bring myself to believe Azzy agreed to this.

She also seems pretty skilled, like she's done it before.

She probably has.

I mean, surprisingly she's gone street-racing more than 6 times, so chances are she has.

We've graffitied all over this house.

There is so much vulgar words that it's actually funny.

I'm not sure if Azzy was looking, but I managed to climb through her window and slash her furniture.

She actually had pretty nice items, too bad.

Also, she has a hell-of-a-lot of money so don't worry, she could buy all of this again five times.

Azalea is actually really talented with this whole.. graffiti concept.

She just goes with the flow.

She drew a skull and a rose on the left side of the house.

Then of couse 'fucker' written on the bottom.

But that's besides the point. The point is, she is actually skilled, she would be good as an artist and graphic designer.

Maybe we should start a food chain together.


We both step back and look at our masterpiece in admiration.

Cuss words, peculiar pictures and more weird things are scattered around this place and it looks.. interesting.

I drew a skull with a rose lingering close by it on the side.

I have the exact same tattoo on my wrist.

It's the only tattoo I'll ever get, I'm not a tattoo person.

Mary had one, that's why I got it.

I got it when I thought she was my mother.

I smile and glance around to find Elli's creations.

He just painted graffiti letters and some other stuff.

But most of all, he spray painted a large 'karma' on the front.

I wonder why he's doing this anyway.

He turns to me and hold out his hand, grinning.

I smile back and give him a high-five, making him shout in victory.

"You're so good at this, Azzy!"

"Thanks Elliot," I thank him.

I make my way over to the can but my eyes land at a woman.

A woman with a phone to her ear, looking at us in fear and slight irritation.



"There's a fucking rat who I think is calling the police," I say in one breath, directly pointing towards the woman who now scurries inside her home.

Suddenly, the sound of police sirens echos through the neighborhood and I see a glimpse of red and blue between two trees.

"I'm driving,"

"Yes sir- I mean ma'am."

I roll my eyes and quickly put the cans in the car boot.

Elliot hops in, and I start the engine.

Smoke trails behind as we start to speed down the road.


I'm sorry I made y'all wait 2 days!

Next chapter will be interesting! 🤭

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