Chapter 23

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An hour had passed since the unborn child had sent Zane unconscious, Rocky was not happy to return from a flight with Shard to see his almost adopted hatchling in pain in the earth king's lap.

"I think I now understand the dragon's situation" Morro spoke up in the silent room, his words confusing them all. 

"What do you mean by that?" Jay asked from where he and Nya sat in one of the chairs. Kai, Skylor, Maddie and Lloyd looked over in concern only for the master of wind to grin. 

"If I'm right, I will check with Kane later. The dragons have human spirits trapped in their souls meaning they have human traits and from Rocky's behaviour. It would seem like he has adopted Zane as his hatchling which is why he hates being out of sight of my son. Which would explain why Shard watches over the kids knowing Rocky has Zane covered" Morro smugly explained while running his hand through Kane's hair.

"That makes so much sense. Are you saying the dragons adopt others?" Jay questioned. 

"Not just anybody, more those who remind them of past entities" Kane interrupted, his hands shaking as he signed his words to Cryptor who had spoken for the devil. Morro instantly pulled the exhausted sick devil closer leading to Kane falling unconscious. 

"Oh great, does that mean? Wisp?" Jay turned to look at his dragon which lay outside in full form watching over Blake who proceeded to play with the lightning's dragon's tail. The guardian barely lifted its head to acknowledge Jay before looking straight at Shard. The ice guardian having landed and switched to hatchling form.

"Yes, I'm gathering from what Neuro just told me. The guardians have adopted the children as their own" Shade's voice interrupted the topic of conversation as he entered with Soren on his hip. Behind him was Neuro who wore a glare on his face while Sapphire clung to his neck. 

Shard instantly came to land on Neuro's shoulder and the guardian immediately conversed with the siren who took a minute to nod and acknowledge the guardian. However, it didn't take long for Sapphire to giggle as she lifted her head from her dad's shoulder and pulled a face at Shard who welcomed her. The ice guardian ignored the rule of full form and moved into a medium size so Sapphire could sit on their paws. Immediately a conversation started up making Neuro smile as he headed over to Shade who could only grin while kissing his head. 


"Hmmm" Neuro looked up straight at Morro who gestured towards Zane. 

"He will wake, the child has just laid over a nerve. Clearly he is exhausted and should be resting” Neuro spoke in a much colder tone as his eyes flashed purple almost like he was sending out a warning of some kind. Shade could only sigh, wrapping his arms around his soulmate’s waist grounding him slightly by calling on his death song. 

“Okay, thanks for that but I think you may need to vent off some steam” Jay said with a grin only to be met with a warning ‘look’ from Shade. The master of shadow was wearing a very protective look on his face as Neuro was tucked under his chin. Sapphire looked up, giving Jay the ‘duh’ expression, the master of lightning could only stick his tongue out leaving the smaller siren giggling.

However nothing else was said as a deep rumble caught all attention, Kai and Nya moved over to the window that overlooked the ocean only to gasp. An old volcano that was said to be dormant had risen from the seas and a type of lava flowed out of it. 


“His siren is upset” Shade confirmed for them all as he kissed Neuro’s head while Cryptor swayed slightly with Soren who babbled away. 

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