Chapter 20

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The individual froze up as Cole's eyes flashed, "A child of death who would have thought. Step aside before you are hurt". Cole didn't move, the individual laughed going to grab Cole's hand when a roar had the individual turning around as a known hellhound stepped through a portal. 

Lloyd grinned seeing Bullet, he could tell the difference now, Bullet was darker than Missile. The hellhound roared fur on fire as it challenged the two hounds which had circled the ninja. 

"I wish I was afraid but last I checked the devil was barely alive" The cold tone had many looking up. 

Morro frowned, he knew Kane would take a while but the words coming from the individual had much deeper meaning. What if Kane couldn't actually return? What if Hell wasn't safe anymore? 

The individual grinned under their hood seeing their words had affected the master of wind. They decided to push their luck some more, "It would seem he won't be returning, probably for the best that the devil remains in hell. Who would want to be around those who don't even care enough to try and go back?" 

"Probably those who listened to the warnings" 

The individual whipped around only to gasp, there in the shadows was none other than the soul keeper Ditro. 

"You are terrible at trying to push mortals, what would your father do if he found out you were messing with the mortals he so much loves" Ditro teased, the hood was pulled off revealing to be a young man with green hair, a mohawk in particular. 

"It's not my fault, he said ‘go to the storm realm and pass a message onto Morro’. So, I decided to play a little game, it's not my fault he is being a boring bas…" 

"Ahem" Cole cleared his throat, the two celestials looked back at him with mild concern.


"Who are you and would you mind telling the dogs to back off?" Morro asked, he pulled Kai into his side when one lunged for him. 

"Oh, they're not mine. Dad told is to pass a message onto you, something to do with death coming to visit his sons and taking a soul back, I can't exactly remember I was only half listening" 

"I repeat who are you?" 

"Oh my name is…" 


The young man whipped around only to see Casey running for him. He swept her up into his arms. 

"What are you doing here? I thought, we thought you were with the clouds" 

"Oh no, Arum sent me down after I got into several moments of trouble, something to do with the sacrifice of the balance making the devil happy. I haven't got a clue but I definitely surprised dad" Brody said with a smile, Casey could only grin hugging her older brother. Her twin. Ash moved to Shades' side who watched Neuro kneel down beside the sea, his eyes glowing, feeling pain like never before. Something was wrong with it. Something was off with the balance which meant…

"Get down!" Neuro yelled, they all complied just as a portal opened and two figures stumbled out of it. Brody and Ditro shared a 'look' as they recognised the silver red wine wings of the devil with his back turned to them all while opposite stood the death angel.

It would seem a disagreement had happened. Kane was in his armoured form, glaring at the hooded individual opposite him. 

"Stand aside devil, I must assess the problem myself" 


"Now devil before I make you regret your moves" 


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