Chapter 8

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Hours passed, these hours turned into days which turned into weeks through months and finally a year had passed since all had left the Storm Realm. Kane had drifted between the two realms but during the last month. He had not returned for some time and it was worrying the Storm brothers who had bought a house together and lived in it. 

It was nearby where the destiny's bounty parked meaning the kids had plenty of room to play. 

A month into returning back to Ninjago, the ninja went out to find Cole only to come up empty handed each time. Kai and Zane were told to follow their guts but with one of them on the verge of collapsing and the other almost lighting his own hair on fire. The others were having doubts. 

"Where could he be! We have checked everywhere!" Jay whined, slumping down into the sofa where a tired Lloyd sat. Maddie smirked from her place in Lloyds lap. 

"Jay! For the last time, we don't know" Nya smacked her husband's head, on her way to check on Kai who had been sleeping the past few days away. Zane had cooked a few times for them all falling back into old ways but even he was struggling to stay awake. 


Nya's scream had them all on their feet very quickly. Lloyd, Maddie and Jay rushed into Kai's room only to gasp. Zane and Kai were missing, and a note was left on the bed.

Dear Sis, 

You must understand the reason due to our recent departure was that we didn't want to cause you any more pain than what we have already caused you.

Zane had a vision last night and he told only me about it. He believes he knows the reason behind Cole's disappearance. The overlord has him, think about it. Cole's gold weapon was the scythe, he is master of the earth, basically darkness. Zane believes their connection is so good because of the immaculate bond the two have, one an angel, one a hidden demon. A child of death. Cole is the overlord's darkness, he needs any celestials on his side. It also explains Kane's disappearance, the devil isn't responding to anything. 

Father told both me and Zane to stay away from the temple of light but you must understand Zane feels something deep inside. So we must apologise for everything that is about to happen. We must get rid of the light and if that means fire beats ice, so be it. We understand what we have to do and we love you all, especially our children. 

Tell the others we are sorry and that we love you all. 

Zane believes he can locate Cole, look for a silver stream tomorrow night in the sky. Having written this straight after Zane's vision, by the time you read this. It should be midday meaning the night is upon you. 

I'm truly sorry sis but you would have tried to stop us.

Love you,

Kai and Zane

P.S. Apologise to Shade on my behalf, I lied to Shade about knowing the location of Ash. I have no clue where he is. 

"What!" Maddie shouted as she re-read the letter. It was true, Ash had disappeared a week ago with Casey. Morro assured Shade they would find him, Neuro wasn't too bothered knowing he could feel his son was safe from the bond they held. 

"We must go tell Uncle Morro" Maddie exclaimed, Nya turned to her and made a quick decision. 

"No, first we must go tell Neuro so he can contact Kane himself. We all know the two have been in contact and someone is keeping it quiet but why?" Nya said, the other three nodded. 

Once the water ninja had spoken to Wu, Misako, Garmadon, Skylor and Dareth. All of them agreed to child watch and would drop them off at Morro's later on. The four ninja headed for Shades' place, the warehouse. Using their elemental dragons, Maddie held tightly to Lloyd while letting out the odd laugh. Within a few minutes, they had landed outside and were in the process of opening the door when shouting caught their attention.

A Home Lost To Fire and Ice (Cole x Zane) - Book 2  - Complete! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt