Chapter 15

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A wicked set of laughter behind him alerted him to the Overlords fake Dr Julien, Cole placed a hand over Zane's eyes keeping his pure husband from seeing what happened next. The five ninja found themselves riding their dragons with Zane in Cole's lap as Birchwood forest burned behind them all. 

"Cole! Is he alright?" Kai appeared beside the earth guardian, Cole looked up, "I don't know, I will speak to him once we get somewhere safe". 

"We can't return to the Samurai X Cave, Saffron just sent me a message. It's been taken over by Pixel and a group of recently revived nindroids" Nya informed them all. 

"Where do we go?" Jay shouted only for Cole to sigh, knowing shell beach was nearby which meant so was his father's. He gestured down towards the village below. Jay and Kai shrugged with Lloyd remaining silent as they landed in front of the house. The dragons then transformed into hatchlings, connecting with their protectors. Kai smirked patting his hatchlings head when it curled around his neck. 

Cole wrapped Zane up in his arms, into a bridal carry since the storm king was unresponsive. Lloyd lingered nearby while Jay pressed the obnoxious doorbell that made them all cringe. The door took a while to be answered but when it opened, Lou was in shock seeing the ninja, especially his son. 

Lou didn't have a chance to invite them in as Cole walked past him and into the living room, to put Zane down. 

"Can I offer you any drinks?" Lou asked only to meet the blank expression of his son. 

"No thank you but do you have a phone we can use?" Nya asked in her polite tone, Lou nodded, directing them over to it. Jay and Nya quickly got to work leaving the others in the living room.

"What happened?" Lou asked, looking at his son who held his unconscious husband in his lap.

"The overlord attacked the city and almost got control of Zane" Kai answered in a blunt tone. Lloyd nodded watching Cole try and wake Zane who remained asleep.

"Father, leave him. He must need the sleep otherwise he would have woken up by now" Lloyd patted Cole's shoulder in comfort, the master of earth nodded, running his hand through Zane's blond hair. 

"Cole! Morro and Cryptor need help! Zane should be fine here but the Overlord has started attacking the schools. He is getting desperate trying to draw us out!" Jay ran into the room only to startle Lloyd who had been snoozing beside Lou. 

Cole sighed looking down at his husband.

"Cole, I will watch over him and ring you if anything happens. I know we don't see eye to eye but I can assure you, I will protect him…" 

"If anything happens to him, If you hurt him! God help me" 

"I won't, Cole I know how much he means to you all, let me redeem myself" 

Cole could only nod pressing his lips to Zane's forehead, he walked out the door hardly acknowledging his father. Kai on the other hand didn't feel it was right to leave his counterpart behind but after Nya's insistence. The five ninja left unaware of what they had just done. 

"Oh how it's so easy to trick a bunch of kids" Edana's voice broke through the room. Zane didn't even move as Lou's body shape shifted into Mira's, the overlords wife. 

"What did the overlord need again?" Mira turned to look at Edana who had dragged the chained up Lou out of the cupboard, so he had front row seats to his son-in-law's demise.

"A feather, a hair strand, oh and his blood caked in this sword" Edana answered with a smile, Lou shouted in a muffled tone over the tape across his mouth. 

A Home Lost To Fire and Ice (Cole x Zane) - Book 2  - Complete! Where stories live. Discover now