Imagina Shorts #96

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Imagina Shorts #96

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Summer had been so long. It will be August in few days from today.

Fury: *is reading a book in a stray manner*



Oh, rain...
Falls from the sky, so high, so right
Wash the grey away in this world
Show me the truth that the sadness I feel is the reason why I'd grew
Oh, so true...
Please visit me, everyday, everynight
You know when should I'll stop or go
Every stomp of my feet is a seed of my mind, and a flower that will bloom
Oh, so blue...
The flowers inside my room

- Luna


Few pages skipped. Alot of pages has content.

Fury: I sure do be needing a second book for us. Things have been changing.
Luna: Are you sure?
Fury: Luna! How long have you been behind me?
Luna: Nah. Just now.
Fury: Oh...
Luna: I'm pretty sure a single book won't fill your heart.
Fury: Won't fit my heart, you mean?
Luna! No, you silly! Look at us!

Luna shuffled the pages, then stopped on a spot. It is the photo album section.

Luna: See?
Fury: What are you trying to replicate now, Luna?
Luna: We are incomplete.
Fury: I still don't know what you are trying to say.
Luna: Eh. Just look.

It's a picture of Luna's selfie. Somehow slightly blurry because it looks like she took the camera away from Fury, but somehow Luna's face isn't blurred.

Fury: That is us. Complete.
Luna: There's got to be more, more than just an image.
Fury: Well, yeah...
Luna: How about this one?

It's a picture of Luna's selfie again, but in the middle of rain. Fury's sad smile fits the mood.

Fury: That's the smile you're looking for, right?
Luna: You don't want to see me sniffing a picture of you everyday.
Fury: Ah. Of course. (W-What?)
Luna: It's not just a smile I'm looking for.

It's a photo of Luna and Fury in a flower crown.

Fury: Hmmm... Yeah. Are we missing something?
Luna: It's what I'm talking about.
Fury: Uhuh.
Luna: Give it a guess.

It's another selfie of Luna. Both Fury and Luna is lying on a grass field with some flowers.

Fury: (Something incomplete... Hmmm...) !? (Don't tell me... she's talking about... having a baby!?) *shakes his head in unbelievability*
Luna: W-Wait! That's no what I mean!
Fury: Huh?
Luna: I mean... It's not about... getting it started or something...
Fury: ...
Luna: It's "the purpose" what I mean.
Fury: Purpose of what?
Luna: Of our memories.
Fury: Are you kidding me?
Luna: Eh! I'm not teasing you right now. I'm serious!
Fury: Ok then.

It's a picture of a Luna and Fury who is about to gobble an egg sandwich.

Fury: It has no purpose.
Luna: What!?
Fury: Our story is enough.
Luna: W-W-What does that mean? I thought... I thought we were friends forever! I thought we were-
Fury: Let me explain...

Fury wrote "I love you" in the book.

Fury: Read it.
Luna: I love you.
Fury: That's not what I'm trying to say.
Fury: No! Calm down. Geez.
Luna: What does that mean exactly?
Fury: I wrote it because I want you to feel "that" way. No other purpose.
Luna: Then... Y-YOU DON'T LOVE ME!?
Fury: *facepalms* One more example?
Lune: Fine.

Fury flipped the pages to the photo of them in the rain.

Fury: Here. I'm smiling here because you're taking a photo of us, but not because I'm happy.
Luna: Eeeh~ Then I'll tease you more!
Fury: The answer you may be looking for is this, Luna. *points the outside border of the photo*
Luna: But there's nothing on it.
Fury: You said that there's gotta be more, so those free spaces can be our new adventures, right?
Luna: I'm so confused!
Fury: You ask a question, you'll get the answer.
Luna: Make it more understandable.
Fury: Hmmm...

Their conversation is in pause as while Fury is building up what to say.

Fury: You don't have to forget your past just because it doesn't satisfy you. It has its meaning before so just accept it.
Luna: ... Huh?
Fury: Your said we are incomplete, but look! Aren't you satisfied on what we are? And then you said there's got to be more, and there will always be, Luna. Just let things happen!
Luna: O-Okay... I guess...?
Fury: Don't tell me you still don't understand.
Luna: I feel so numb.
Fury: *closes the book* We're still friends.
Luna: Yay! ^-^
Fury: -_-

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