Imagina Shorts #76

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Imagina Shorts #76

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Luna: Hohoho! Don't you dare to step on my land, lighteners!
Fury: I must justify the dream of my lost king and purify the darkeners away from this board!
Luna: You'll see no dreams, circular metal replacement piece of silver!
Fury: Watch you words, little girl, because you are about to watch me and my men march in this board!

Fury moves his a2 peon to a4.

Luna: Bad move!
Fury: You're not even seeing the results yet.
Luna: Then I'll show you.

Luna moves her e7 peon to e6.

Luna: This one holds a huge role for my winning outcome!
Fury: Heh. You will never win with my lining defense!

Fury moves his a1 rook to a2.

Luna: Win with your lining defence? Hah! You don't even know what you're doing!
Fury: Well... yes, I know. Look how fool you are fighting with no plan. I will defeat you step-by-step.

Luna moved her d8 queen to f6.

Luna: I just moved my queen.
Fury: Yes. Of course.
Luna: What are you gonna do now?

Fury moved his b2 peon to b3.

Fury: Proceed as planned.
Luna: There is no proceeding in chess. It's just a board battlefield. I'm sorry, Fury, but you're going to lose.
Fury: Board battlefield you say? There's always a rematch, Luna. I can form infinite strategies in such a simple turn-based game.

Luna moved her f8 bishop to c5.

Luna: You're hoping to lose now?
Fury: That's not what I mean. It is a board of hopes and dreams, Luna. And if I know how to win, I will show you how it seems.
Luna: Oh. Go ahead, dreamcatcher.

Fury moved his c2 peon to c4.

Luna: How amusing! Is that all you're planning for? Because you're about to lose!
Fury: I cannot lose with my linear defense!

Luna moved her f6 queen to f2.

Luna: Iw~*
Fury: ... checkmate?

Luna burst out of laughter. It seems like Fury needs to recheck the board.

Fury: Oh, C'MON!!!
Luna: You're acting like you don't even know what checkmate is! Bahahahaha!
Fury: -_- I told you not to be hard on me.
Luna: Oh! Ohoho... That's not even that hard!
Fury: -~- Are you really that good or you're just teasing me?
Luna: Mmmm... Let's say thay I'm not good enough.
Fury: But- ... Huh?
Luna: Let's play again!

The next round is on again, with marching peons, and sniper bishops, and unicorns, and ninja rooks of course, and a long-leg king, and a flying goddess. Board battlefield it is, a field of hopes and dreams, not a table for nerds.

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