Imagina Shorts #11

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Imagina Shorts #11

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Just a regular Sunday.

Fury: *playing games on phone*
Luna: ...
Fury: *glances behind* ... Wha- *hids his phone away* Luna! Didn't see you there... Haha...
Luna: Woah- You built a hammock here. Can I get in?
Fury: No. It's only for one person.
Luna: But... I'm not that heavy. You always carry me in your back everyday... and you even-
Fury: Shush...
Luna: F-Fury~

Luna gave Fury a cute innocent saddening face. Fury can't deny it. He rolls his eyes and let Luna climbs in.

Luna: Yay! *gets in the hammock*
Fury: ...
Luna: So... What do we do now?
Fury: I'm trying to sleep, okay?

Fury stretches his feet. The hammock started to shrink as it embraces the two.

Fury: Err... (Ugh... Not like this... This is so embarrasing...)
Luna: I've never been this close for a long while, Fury.
Fury: Eek! (Her lips can barely touch my neck, and her hands are clawed into my chest. I can't take this... I'll just pretend to sleep.)
Luna: *bites Fury's neck*
Fury: Aaaa-

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