Imagina Shorts #29

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Imagina Shorts #29

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Luna: Fury~ I got something for you~!

Luna is holding a tray of cupcakes.

Fury: Oh. Cupcakes. Mmm...
Luna: Let's eat! Pick one, Fury.
Fury: Hmmm... What is this one?
Luna: Oh. It's "Caramel Cuddle"
Fury: Hmmm... How about this one?
Luna: That is "Coffee Toffee"
Fury: I'll take that.
Luna: Then, I'll take this one, "Vanilla Velvet"

The two picked up their choices.

Luna: Pick again, Fury.
Fury: ... That one.
Luna: "Mango Graham"?
Fury: Yes, that one.
Luna: Then, I'll take the "Chocolate Hill"

The two picked up their choices.

Luna: It's your turn, Fury.
Fury: That one. The tall one.
Luna: Ah. I see. This, "Cloudberry Crest" huh?
Fury: I want that.
Luna: Well, that leaves me the "Caramel Cuddle".

They both started to enjoy the treat.

Fury: *took a bite of "Coffee Toffee"* Mmmh~ 'Tis so good.
Luna: Hehe. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Luna ate her "Caramel Cuddle".

Fury: *took a bite of "Mango Graham"* Yum!
Luna: *took a bite of Fury's "Mango Graham"*
Fury: Hey!
Luna: Eheheh~ Fine... It's yours anyway.

Luna ate her "Chocolate Hill".

Fury: *took a bite of "Cloudberry Crest"* Oh, this one is good.
Luna: *giggles* Fury~
Fury: Hm?
Luna: You got something on your forehead~ *giggles*

Seems like the icing of the "Cloudberry Crest" sticked some on Fury's forehead because of the height of it.

Luna: Don't move. I'll go get it. *climbed up to the table*
Fury: Y-You don't have to get up-
Luna: *started licking Fury's forehead* Mmm~ *slurp*
Fury: L-L-L-Luna~!?

Luna is enjoying her treat kneeling. She embraced Fury's head as her licking went more intense.

Luna: *slurp, slurp* Haah~ *giggles*
Fury: I-Is there n-nothing left?
Luna: Nope. There's more~ *giggles*
Fury: Eeeh~!

Fury melts on his seat.

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