Imagina Shorts #32

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Imagina Shorts #32

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Light's on.

Fury and Luna are in a separated cell, adjacently.

Fury: Luna! You're safe!
Luna: Fury~!

The two hugged, cell bars between them.

Fury: I'm so worried, Luna...
Luna: Nnnn~ *pulls something on Fury's forehead*
Fury: O-Ow!
Luna: It's this thing again.
Fury: That thing... (It is also the thing that Felipe got hit by.) Hmmm... some kind of tranquillizer...
Luna: Oh. I see... *sat on the floor* So, how do we get out of here?

Suddenly, the door opened. There is a woman in a mask. Probably hiding it's identity.

???: Ah, you two... You two are going to help us...

The woman in a mask put shackles on their arms.

???: Follow me.

Luna and Fury followed the woman.

Luna: Woah! This place is so huge! Cylindrical foundation, flowing water, squeaky rats-
???: Shhh~!
Luna: oh...

An awkward silence fills the sewers.


Meanwhile, they ended up on a huge wall.

Fury: Huh. So... where are we going exactly?
???: *presses something on the wall*

There is a secret door opened through the wall.

???: Get inside.

They all went inside. The door closed with a ping noise.

*elevator music*

Luna: Hmmm... *tries to press some buttons*
???: No, you dont!
Luna: W-What does that button do?
???: That is for lights.
Luna: That one?
???: That is for emergency-
Luna: That one?
???: That is tor temperature-
Luna: How about that one?
???: That is number two.
Luna: That one?
???: Again. That is for lights-
Luna: No, that one.
???: For... alarm?
Luna: That one!?
???: W-WHAT-
Luna: That-
???: Can you please...
Luna: ... that one?
???: Oh. That is for coffee. *presses it*

Water steams to the cup of coffee.


???: *pulls off the mouth part of the mask* Ffff~ *sips*
Luna: Can I have one too?
???: No.
Luna: Pffft- Rude...
???: You don't care.
Luna: Nnnn... *looks at Fury*
Fury: ...
Luna: psst- hey, Fury.
Fury: ... no.
Luna: Fury~
Fury: Don't look at me like that.
Luna: Press that button.
Fury: I don't want to get in trouble.
Luna: Just press it.
Fury: No, I won't.
Luna: Just press it~
???: *punches the buttons*


The door opened.

???: *sigh* Get out.
Luna: But I want coff-
???: Get out!
Luna: Fine...

Luna and Fury stopped by after a few step forward inside of Dr. Doctor's laboratory.

Luna: *gasp* Woah! *gasp* Woah! *gasp* Woah!
Fury: Hmmm... not bad. What kind of event is happening today?
Luna: Yeah! Look at those colorful balloons!
???: ... (i can't believe Dr. D. will make things such like these.)

There is a silhouette of a person coming from the tunnel.

Who could it be?

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