Imagina Shorts #95

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Imagina Shorts #95

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Fury: Sorry! I didn't know you were hiding there!

The three is in the bedroom.

Luna: Ahuhuhu... ×~×
Fury: *is blowing Luna's fingers (excluding thumbs)*
Luna: I hate you...
Fury: Why are you even hiding there?
Luna: I... (I'M SO DONE!!!) uhhh...
Luna: *sweats* uhhh...
Fury: Or you're not that afraid of spiders, aren't you?
Luna: *nods... aggressively*
Fury: ...

Fury continues to blow Luna's fingers.

Sola: Why don't you heal it your own, sis?
Luna: Oh. Right. I forgot.

Luna's hands glows like a sunrise passing through closed curtains.

Fury somehow felt a slight of tingly sensation from his hands too, because he's holding Luna's arms.

Luna: *yawns* Keep blowing, Fury.
Fury: Don't tell me your energy is not enough.
Luna: It's... not... enough...
Fury: There's tomorrow for it then.
Luna: *falls asleep*

Even Luna is on her sleep, her hands remain glowing.

Fury: *stops blowing Luna's fingers*
Luna: Hey...... It's... still... painful...
Fury: Ah. Sorry. *blows Luna's fingers again* (Gah! It feels like my mouth will explode in any second now.)
Sola: Hey, Fury.
Fury: Hm?

Sola whispers on Fury's ears.

Sola: Lick it.
Fury: !?
Sola: Yeah. Put it in your mouth.
Fury: No-Huh? *looks at Luna's fingers*
Sola: Luna will love it.
Fury: *gulp*

Fury puts Luna's left index finger to his mouth.

Luna remain asleep.

Just like on his hands, Fury felt a tingly sensation on his tongue too (and his whole mouth, of course). The healing magic tastes like a candy, but ginger flavored. Perfect for Fury's lingering mouth.

Sola: Hehe~ There we go. Luna will be more relaxed with that.

Sola grabbed Luna's right arm, and just like Fury, she put Luna's right index finger to her mouth.

A moment of Fury and Sola looking at each other. The atmosphere began to became uuuh... awkward? An eye-to-eye felt like they're kissing each other. Fury looked away but still playing with Luna's finger. Every gentle touch of his tongue to Luna's finger feels like an unforgettable moment he (probably) had with Sola (in the future).

Fury: >•<
Sola: Pwease be gentwe, Fuwy~
Fury: -•- (This in not an appropriate time for this, Sola. Your sister is in agony, and now you're getting lewd? Look; her fingers isn't what you're thinking of me, okay? I know you know how she's feeling right now, but please forgive her on this accident. Actually, I'm the one who's supposed to be forgiven because- Why is she even hiding in there? Why? I can't even build-up something in my mind after the maintenance break happened in Surviva, and the "fruit"? and a spider inside me? What the heck?)

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